Sunday, April 28, 2019

Gestures Not Words

There was a sense of security I felt walking with my Dad holding his hand.  He would squeeze my hand.  I took it as a way of saying I love you.  I would always squeeze it back.

Such a small gesture that meant so much to me.

During my last days with my Mom, I would reach out and squeeze her hand.  The same gesture I had learned as a child.

I have done the same thing with Jenn from when she was young.

Sometimes gestures speak louder than words.

Random acts of kindness.  Moments of joy that you can see on someone's face.

No words required.

Finding a rose on my desk in the morning after a particularly bad day the day before.

Coffee appearing on  my desk each morning (of course me after coffee benefits all).

Someone stopping by to grab my hydraflask to fill it with ice for me (knowing I need to drink more water than I do now).

Having a friend stop by and with Jenn, getting the lovely quilted wall hanging up in my bedroom.

Watching Jeter fall asleep on my bed.  Snapping a picture of him looking like a puppy resting peacefully.

Squeeze of a hand, a cup of coffee, a wall hanging and a sleeping puppy what a combination.

These are the kind of small things that get me through a lousy day, a bad week, month end and all the other parts of life than can wear me down, wipe me out or make me sad.

I am grateful to those who took or take the time to show they care about me.

Sending a "hand squeeze" to each of you or I guess now the right term would be "hand hug" (although we know hugs are not my specialty).

See you next week.

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