Sunday, June 16, 2019

No surprise's about Dads/Fathers Day

Everyone has a Father.

Not everyone has a Dad.

Dad and Father, worlds apart in definition and the way they approach the role of a parent.

A Father makes the obvious biological contribution.

A Dad helps mold you into the person you end up being.  Values, advice, dependable, encouraging are just part of the requirements of being a good Dad.

Dad's are there every day and that means so much.  It teaches commitment and responsibility.

Dad's have the ability to share disappointment without destruction.

Fathers often use cruelty or verbal abuse as a tool for the frustrations they may have in their own lives and upbringing. They build themselves up while tearing down the people they should care about the most.

The scars can fade but never completely disappear  Yes, children forgive but don't forget.

Having no regrets about the ability to tear someone down and moving on as if nothing has happened is what a Father does not a Dad.

Dad's don't remind you of what they had to give up for you.  What child wants to hear  "if it wasn't for you I could have....".  Fathers will say those words. Dad’s don’t.

Dad's don't have to get angry.  They can say something as simple as "I am disappointed in you" and the impact is huge.

Dad's want you to succeed and they celebrate it with you.

It is easy to be a Father.  It takes work to be a Dad.

It is a shame the Father's don't realize they missed the boat.  They missed the relationships, the true love of a child versus the obligatory/forced love a child feels they must express but truly do not feel.

Those with Fathers are sometimes fortunate to have a Dad come into their lives.

Thanks to the Dad's.

Our children's lives are so much richer because of you.

Happy Dad's Day !!

See you next week!!

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