Sunday, June 30, 2019

Christmas in July

As Charles Dickens wrote, " I will honor Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year through."

I know, I know, I make people crazy about Christmas.

For some people, the season starts the day after Halloween. For others, it's Thanksgiving night or the day after Thanksgiving.  Others wait until December 24th.

Then there are the "crazy for Christmas" people of which I am one.

Our Christmas season starts early, very early.

Like in July.

Hallmark has been on the bandwagon for a couple of years.

We picked up our Hallmark ornament books in early May.

For the 10th anniversary of Hallmark Christmas, they have been running a Christmas movie every Thursday and Friday night all through this year.

 Also,  Hallmark has  Christmas in July with 24/7 movies from June 28th through to July 28th.  Four weeks in the middle of the year to get in the holiday spirit.

Surprisingly, the Lifetime Channel ran the movie, "Elf" last Friday night too.

Once the movies end on July 28th, there are only 13 weeks until I  know I can watch a Christmas movie any time of the day.  Nirvana !

I also notice during a commercial break from "Elf" Lifetime is now going to show Christmas movies starting in October. 

I am sure these channel are not just doing this for my benefit.

This week on July 4th, Jenn and I will be making Christmas ornaments as we have every 4th of July for the last 30 years. I wish I had taken pictures of our projects from each year.

It is easy to forget it is July sitting in the house with the central air running.

You will note, I have not mentioned presents.  Yes, I do keep a running list through out the year as ideas pop into my head but Christmas is not all about the gifts. 

It's about the way the holidays make you feel.

That also means there is a bit of melancholy in the air too. 

The same way my mind wanders back to those amazing Christmas's past, I also think back on the summer holidays from years back.

Family and friends gatherings with the grill going during the day. Everyone heading to see the fireworks.  Many years, we watched them in a local cemetery (yes, cemetery) with our friends.  Blankets spread out, coolers opened that were filled with cold beverages as the conversation flowed until the first sights and sounds of the colorful light displays could be seen.  The group chorus's of "ooh's and ah's" with each explosion.

And the year when my Dad was not well enough to join us.  He and Mom stayed home.  When we came back to the house after the fireworks, they told us how they could hear the cracking and popping of the fireworks.  Dad closed his eyes as he told us what he heard. It was clear in his mind he could visualize what was going on in town.

The ache of missing those that shared the holidays with us is not only tied to Thanksgiving and Christmas. We can have that same sense of loss in July too.

I guess whether it be Dec 25th or July 4th, we need to celebrate for those we have in our lives, those we have lost and savor the memories, as we make new memories too.

Thanks Hallmark for reminding me of how blessed I have been.  I need to remember that on the tough days when life might be a little more of a struggle.

Happy July 4th !!!

And an early Merry Christmas!!

See you next week.

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