Sunday, July 7, 2019

Does Anyone Still Use?

While watching a TV show yesterday, I saw something I hadn't thought of in a long time.

A blue book used for exam's.  I posted about it on FB and received a variety of responses.  From they are still used in Catholic Schools to everything is done online.

Does anyone still use their night rear view mirror?  I do but am not sure if that is because of the way I was taught to drive.

I do not have to look over my shoulder anymore when backing up. My car has a backup camera.

I don't even have to hold my foot on the break at a traffic light.  I have something called break hold that keeps the car in place once I press on the brakes.  I can take my foot off the brake and the car doesn't move.

Does anyone still learn how to drive standard shift?  I have heard it costs more to get a standard shift car vs automatic.  It used to be the reverse.  I loved driving standard, although I never mastered standard on the column.

Who has a house phone anymore?  I wouldn't have one except that I need it for the security system in my house.

I don't have to go to a library any more. I can borrower books through app's on my IPAD.

I don't need the research section of the library or the encyclopedia's my Dad paid on monthly for a long time until paid off. After that we would get the annual update book that arrived once a year. Now, we have the internet.

Super 8 movie camera's to video camera's to taking video's on my phone, my how the world has changed.

From my childhood where we had one TV and it received 7 channels with rabbit ear antenna's or an antenna on the roof.  Then, we all discovered the joys of cable TV (and the ever growing bills). Now, I have app's such as Netflix, Hulu and Sling and more options from those 3 app's that anyone could have imagined.

Yet, I still use my wooden rolling pin when baking.  I still prefer using a hand chopper for ingredients when baking. And an egg beater still does it's job just as well as a hand blender or emulsifier. I still own a potato masher which I use a few times a year when I make "real" mashed potato's.

Getting a variety of vegetables out to the table hot is not as big an accomplishment with stove that includes a double oven with 4 burners and a heating section in the middle of the burners. Mom did it with one oven and 4 gas burners.

I prefer to hand wash and hand dry my dishes vs the dishwasher. Once I can figure out how to not have water remnants on the items in the top rack of the dish washer, I might use it more often.

While I couldn't imagine life without my dryer, I do miss the smell of laundry fresh off the clotheline.

I remember waiting for a favorite song on the radio and trying to record it on my stereo, ancient.  And now ITunes might appear antiquated.

Life changes so fast I can barely keep up with it.  Many times, I have to ask Jenn how to do or use something.

My brain still works like a card catalog in a library not like google.

And I am sure I am not alone in that thought process.

Am I ?

See you next week.

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