Sunday, July 5, 2020

I am trying

The days have turned to weeks followed by months.

The  house is decorated for July.  Red, white and blue throughout the house.

Soon to be followed by the end of summer into the fall.

Hallmark is showing their Christmas in July movies.

Seeing the movies makes my thoughts turn toward fall.

Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and the New Year.

These past 17 weeks have provided plenty of time for thought.

I have tried to watch the news less as it upsets me. In fact,  I hate to admit it but a few mornings has left me in tears.

I like to have background noise while I work.  I listen to music and shows that make me laugh. 

I find silence deafening.

Even when I drift off to sleep ay night, I have my IPAD on with a show running in the back ground.

I usually wake during the night and shut it off.

I have had to fight moods of sadness and feeling a little depressed.

Thank goodness I have Jenn, family, friends and my team from work to keep me moving.

Some people I can be more honest with about how I am feeling. With others, I just say “I am fine” or “Doing Ok”.

Let’s be honest,  how many people really want to hear you are struggling?

While I doubt life will ever be as we used to know it. I am hoping our new normal will become easy to adjust to similar to the way we adjusted to the changes in our lives after 9/11.

I am grateful to the people who have let me ramble, cry and be honest about my feelings. Those people are few and far between. It is nothing other then the level of comfort I have established with them.

I do believe things will settle down and all of the events front and center in our lives will fade in to the past.

And personally, I can’t wait for it to begin.

See you next week.

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