Sunday, July 19, 2020

It is what it is

I used the words in the title of this entry many times during the week.

I am not dealing with the long commute,

I do not have to do more than brush my hair, brush my teeth, wash my face, take my meds and throw on shorts and a t shirt to get ready for work each morning.

Sounds pretty easy, right?

Well,  mortgage rates are at historical lows and it is our busy season.  Purchases and refi’s piling in faster than I can assign them out.

My team is a dream team.

Dedicated, focused and giving the max effort each day.

We are all working between 15-20 hours a week of OT.

Fortunately, my team gets paid OT.

As a manager, I do not.

Last week, the closers, processors and underwriters were told they would be getting retention bonus’s.

As a manager, I do not get a retention bonus.

I made the mistake of doing some simple math.

Big mistake.

I realized how much of my base hourly rate I lose for each hour of “free” OT I work.

The results were damn depressing.

But it is a quandary.

I love what I do and I love to manage.

I am really happy my team is being compensated and the processors even get a quarterly incentive.

My teams rocks at customer service scores, they work so hard to hit goals and as a team they gel so well.

I couldn’t pick a better group of people.

I always say I am the air traffic controller and they fly the planes.

They treat me great too!

They are all keepers!

But there is no glory in being a manager.

Told to jump, you say how high?

The mortgage department beat the company fiscal year goal by June.  This in itself is impressive especially taking into consideration COVID, moving all staff to work remotely and knowing our fiscal year doesn’t end until October 31st.

In one month, the mortgage department closed 2,000 loans and for a total over $1,000,000,000.

A new company record.

I am sure there are more ambitious goals to follow.

I remind my team in the world of life/work balance  LIFE matters more!!

I need to practice what I preach and start taking some time (although at home) to catch my breath and recharge my batteries.

Although my hourly rate is comparable to minimum wage after all the extra hours, I wouldn’t pick another job to do.

I manage.

It is what I do best.

But it sure wouldn’t hurt to get just a little something extra for all the hours.

Oh well, as I said in the title

On to Monday.

See you next week.

1 comment:

  1. You are absolutely right. Life/work balance LIFE matters more!!

    But sometimes we are just so overwhelmed and busy that we feel like taking time off will only stress us out more and put us further behind.

    I'm going to take away the fact that I need to take more time for myself and my family. Great post DRP!!
