Monday, August 24, 2020

My 16th post since ...and the Team Huddle

Since I last left the office on March 13th, I have posted 15 entries. 

Here goes number 16.

I am not going to go on an on about what has changed, what has been missed and what I am not getting to do.

I have been told by my writing mentor, when you can’t think of something just write.

So that is what I am doing.

In high school, I loved essay exams.  I would write and write and write and sooner or later got to the point of the essay and the answer.

Today, I had two new team members on our team huddle call.

In a moment of trying to have some fun and being impulsive, I asked my current team to tell the newbies a good thing and a bad thing about their new manager, me.

Talk about asking for trouble.

I have to say they were pretty much spot on with their responses.

The bad’s:

Do not ask Donna anything prior to coffee.

Donna cries when she is happy, sad, mad and frustrated.

Donna can use “salty” language.

Donna can be direct and blunt.

The good’s:

Donna loves Christmas.

Donna loves cheese.

Donna loves Hallmark Christmas movies.

Donna is a good team Mom.  (I responded “couldn’t you have said a good team “older sister”?)

Donna always has our backs.

My add’s:

OT is not mandatory, you work it as you see fit.

If you are having issues  with a Loan Officer and I will happy to reach out to them. (I really said “I don’t mind having a “come to Jesus talk with them”).  

Life is more import than work.  I preach Life/Work balance.  Time with family, friends and away from work is very important.

I make sure everyone uses up their Paid Time Off vs giving time back to the company.


There will be good days and bad.  

Happy Donna, Cranky Donna and Quiet Donna.

Donna who acts as the buffer between the team and the expectations of Sr. Management.

We laughed a lot during the call.  I am sure the newbies are wondering what they got themselves into.  

It was a a good way to end a busy day.

Learning and laughter, Welcome to Team Pizzo.

See you next week.

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