Sunday, March 14, 2021

366 days and what I have learned

Another good Winnie the Pooh quote, “It never hurts to keep looking for sunshine.”

 Like most of you, I cannot believe I have not stepped in my “real”  office in over a year.

366 days to be exact.

Initially, I thought I would be home for two weeks, then a month, then six months and now here I am a year later.

Through all the seasons and holidays, I have been home.

365 days of sleeping in my own bed vs a few nights a week at a good friends house.

I have learned how to separate my off hours from my work hours even at home.

Not once in the last year have I worked in my pj’s.

I have “work” clothes.  

I have a routine, out of bed and into the shower, brush my teeth and hair, take my med’s and get dressed for “the office.”

Jeter and I walk to the kitchen/office, where my monitors and laptop sit waiting. 

I flip on the light and the office is up and running.

The days are longer at my kitchen table but the commute and hours in the car are none existent.

Shortly after my day starts, the barista arrives and provides me with my morning cup of Joe.

I keep music or news on in the background as white noise.

I can see my neighbors walking by or riding their bikes by or see a passing golf cart.

There have been many days when it is dark when I start working and it dark once again when I close the office for the day.

When I want a change in scene, I grab my laptop and work in the living room from my recliner.

In the last 366 days, so much has changed.

Remote work is no longer unusual.

Masks are no longer unusual.

I miss people more than I thought I would.

I miss maybe one day a week in the office for socialization.

I love instacart, curbside pickup, virtual appointments, online shopping and on alternating days the UPS man or the FedEx man.

I have saved money on gas and wear and tear on my car but my grocery bill has gone up.

The world now allows for drive up blood work and vaccinations (when you can get them).

I went out two days in a row this week which was a big event.  It did feel good but a little intimidating.

Going for a long overdue eye exam became an event as you observe all the rules.

Running out of virtual dr visits and finally having to schedule a real appointment was something to deal with.  

I was able to get a new job during this crazy time. Phone interviews and a job offer, it was a huge God Wink.

I have traveled this year, virtually. I have been to the Smithsonian, Buckingham Palace, MOMA and Italy.

While the world is slowly starting to open up, I am moving even slower.

My comfort level is very, very wary and cautious. 

Plus I have still not been able to get the vaccine.

I am not sure I will ever be the Donna I was on March 12, 2020.

As my world got smaller, I accepted it.  It was easier to shut down than to open up.

For me to celebrate going out two days in a row shows how much I have changed.

Leaving the house without a mask? No way.

Gatherings with no social distancing? Nope.

And we are 10 weeks to Memorial Day which for me means the year is over.  

The months that follow just fly.

Look how fast the last 12 months went.

In case I don’t get to see you and chances are I won’t, Happy Easter, Happy Mother’s Day, Happy Memorial Day, Happy Father’s Day, Happy July 4th, Happy Labor Day, Happy Halloween, Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas.

There now I can say I covered it all.

See you next week.



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