Sunday, April 4, 2021

Guess what I did this week

“You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem and smarter than you think,” Christopher Robin from Winnie the Pooh fame.

The road back to normalcy can be very slow for some people.

I read an article this morning about how for many like me, reopening can be a unhurried process.

It made me feel good and normal to read something that validates my feelings.

Some people are able to go out gangbusters and act as if they never missed a beat.

For me, it is more like watching a flower open very slowly.

I did hit a milestone.

I left the house four times in the last seven days.

Two of those times, I actually got out of the car too.

The first time was to walk into Publix and get the first of my two shots for COVID. I was nervous because as crazy as it sounds, I haven’t been in a super market in over a year thanks to Instacart.

Just four more weeks until my second Moderna injection.

The second time I ventured out was to get a pedicure. This was a little intimidating because although the place was empty when we arrived by the time we left it was pretty crowded.

Yes, everyone was wearing a mask but I did feel there were more people present than social distancing allows.

I was very happy finish up and move on.

The other two trips out of the house were curbside pick up of things. 

No reason for a celebration except that up until now one trip a week out of my house was a biggie.

My home is my cocoon and I am the caterpillar.

Time to break out of it and become a butterfly? LOL 

Probably not a beautiful butterfly but I can start to fly again.

Baby steps.

Life returning to a new normal for me so carefully.

Now on to the silliness of me.

When I get tired, I get punchy and giddy.  

Suddenly, everything can be funny to me.

Last night, I hit one of those times while dying eggs.

We bought the “deluxe” box of PAAS egg dying kit. We spent $1.79 for this special purchase.

What does a “deluxe” box include?

Plastic wrappers for 6 eggs, I never use those because it causes more work to boil water and then put the colored eggs in to boiling water with the wrappers around it.  Out they went.

A page of stickers.  Stickers of lambs, chicks, pigs (?) and flowers.  Tiny stickers, not worth the effort. Out they went too.

Next is the big bonus, two wire egg dippers vs the one that is normally provided. Yes, two, one for each of us.  Did we use them? No. We used plastic spoons.  We now have 4 wire egg dippers in the silverware drawer, in case there is ever a need for them

The infamous wax crayon to write something creative on the egg.  Did we use this? No.  We were afraid in our current world we would end up writing something that would offend someone. Into the silverware drawer next to the egg dippers.

Eggs rings were available to be assembled.  I put together eight.  But the box said there were 12.  I tore the box apart.  Where were the other four rings.  Finally, I figured it out, I had to cut the box apart to get the other 4 rings to rest the eggs in.  Nope, not happening.  Eight egg rings pitched.

Now here came to me the funniest part.....

In the movie “Father of the Bride”, Steve Martin freaks out in a supermarket because hot dog rolls come in packages of 10 while hot dogs come in packages of eight....why???

Easter egg coloring kits come with nine colors. Why?  Who colors nine eggs? Eggs are colored either by the dozen or 18 or 24. Not 9. Either come up with three more colors or just make six colors.

You will see shortly how we decided to proceed.

Anyway the numbers just made me laugh and I couldn’t stop,

Nine colors, eight rings (unless you do extra work), 30 stickers, six egg wraps and a dozen eggs.

It just seemed like the “new math’ of egg coloring.

It doesn’t sound quite as funny as I write this but last night this was darn hilarious in my very tired state.

Here are the dyed nine eggs.

The other three?  I decided were part of the “cancel culture” and refused to be colored and remained “snowflake” white. 

Uh oh, I might have just lost some readers with that last line.

Oh people get over it, get a grip and find your DAMN sense of humor about it!! 


Here they are in all of their splendor.

Happy Easter!

Happy to slowly getting on with the “new normal”.

See you next week.

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