Sunday, April 25, 2021

Random Good Things or Call Me Pollyanna (at least for the week)

No one has ever mistaken me for “Pollyanna”.  If you have never seen the movie by the same name, it might be worth the watch.  Yes, it is sugary and sappy but it also shows how to find the good in things.  

Focusing on the the positive in my life makes things bright.  I can at times dwell on the negative in the world around us. I am trying to voice my opinion in a honest manner without being confrontational.

Here are some of my “Pollyanna” good things from the past week.

1. I had my annual soft shell crab meal yesterday. It was great. I wanted to make sure I had one before the season had passed.

2. It stormed all day yesterday. Rain, thunder and lightening storms all day. I love watching rain pour off the roof.

3. Thanks to the storms my car (at least for the moment) does not have a lovely shade of green pollen all over it.

4.  I am learning many new things each day at my job.  The best part is I am actually remembering at least a few of them.

5.  Each weekend we are exploring more of the places and spaces that make the area where I live special. 

6.  I am getting my second vaccine shot this week.

7. The tree service came and trimmed our trees this week.  One tree I thought was dead is not, it is a hickory tree which just blooms late.

8.  I have not gotten negative feedback to some of my more vocal FB posts.  Which either means people agree with me or all of my left wing friends have unfollowed or unfriended me. 

9.  I have been planning my meals for the week, breakfast, lunch and dinner.  It makes shopping and preparation easier and healthier.

10. One of the attached units near me sold for almost double what I paid for mine 4 years ago.  No big difference in the units except they have wood floors in the living room and dining room.  I love wood floors but that sure down’t make up for double the price.  Helps the value of my place.

11.  My house has been cleaned, scrubbed and dusted.  I love the smell of Clorox, not seeing dust on the furniture and a stove top that shines.

12.  The days seem to fly.  I sign on to work early and all of a sudden it is noon.  I blink my eyes and it’s the end of the day. 

13. 8 months from today is Christmas.

I hope the coming week has as many “good” things about it.

Well, hope in itself is a good thing. 

See you next week.

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