Sunday, May 9, 2021

Mother’s Day, The Anniversary and Me

Mother’s Day:

She made corsages for my birthday. 

She made me sleep in hard curlers.

She took me shopping for prom dresses and a wedding gown.

She was one of the Mom’s that helped watch the students in the cafeteria when I was in second grade and as a grandmother she was the person who sat at the front table and greeted guests at the school her grandchildren has once attended.

She would set unreasonable punishments.  In fact, I think I am still grounded from the groundings I was given in my youth.

She taught a second grade classes to dance the Hula.

She made Jenn a lion tamer’s cape for her kindergarten graduation. (It is packed away in a box).

She was at every assembly, play and concert in which her children participated.

She was the Girl Scout cookie Mom. Yes, I volunteered her without asking her first.

She taught me how to be a Mom.

She had the ability to make all of her grandchildren feel as if they were her favorite.

She taught me how to appreciate the small things in life.

She could make a dollar stretch with the best of them.

She was my teacher, cheerleader, mentor and although I didn’t always think it, my best friend.

Not a day goes by that I don’t miss her or think of her.

She was the definition of the word Mom.

The Anniversary:

My Dad used to joke (or maybe not) about getting married around Mother’s Day was not the brightest idea due to the increased cost of flowers.

George and Irene, for 31 years they were quite a couple.

Dad was in charge and Mom’s world revolved around him.

I never once doubted my parents loved each other.

They would get through the “hungry years” when they had so little except us kids.

When their lives should have been getting much easier and their kids were pretty much grown, Dad got sick.

No surprise Mom was by his side and then became the strength to him that he had always been to her.

Too soon he was gone and my Mom had to learn to live in a world where she did not have dad to guide her.

I wish I had known in my marriage, the love they shared in theirs.


The me part of this entry.

Another week of good things.

My summer buildings have been put out on display.

Jenn gave me a great new wreath for the front door.

I saved 50% on a great sale on some”work” clothes online. Who can beat a $10 pair of shorts.

We cleaned out the freezer yesterday and made a list of what is in it.  Let’s just say we have no worries about running out of cauliflower rice or frozen veggies. (I think there may be a pot of soup in my future.)

I have tortured Jenn enough that she has finally given in to watching Mad Men and Downton Abbey with me.  Well considering she introduced me to ‘Don’t Tell Mom the Babysitter is Dead” and “Never Been Kissed”, I think it is fair she watch some of my suggestions.

At least watching there TV shows together (note I am not calling the programs as the man on the Progressive Insurance has ad advised...omg that man is a hoot), isn’t as dangerous as asking her to go see Barry Manilow with me and then getting the payback of having to go see NKOTB (yes, it did end up being a good concert).

I am learning more at my job each day and my new team is getting to know me better.

When I wake early each morning, I find time to pray for my family, friends, my aches and pains, my hopes, my dreams, the future, the craziness of our world  and all I have to be thankful for.

My prayer always begins with, “thank you Lord for giving me this day, I want to thank you for all of my yesterdays and the hope for many more tomorrows” and I go on from there with requests and wishes for others but I always say THANK YOU first.

And that’s the way it is on Sunday, May 9th, 2021.

See you next week.

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