Sunday, March 27, 2022

Here’s to the underdogs….

There have been many times when I have planned something or gone somewhere and expected to have a good time.

The result occasionally was “meh”.

Then I would have the unexpected movements that were surprisingly great.

Take Friday night for example.

I was tired from the week of work.

Jenn and I decided to run errands on Saturday instead of Friday after work.


We decided to watch the Men’s NCAA game St. Peter’s vs Perdue.

Most people already knew St Peter’s was a Cinderella team.

Making it into the “sweet sixteen” was great but now they had a chance to become part of the “elite eight”.

The game was amazing.

Jenn and I screamed and carried on as if we had been lifelong fans.

And while that game was going on Jenn also had the Lady Gamecocks tournament game on her IPAD.

For two ladies who would put basketball toward the bottom of their “want to watch list” it was so entertaining.

When the games were both over, we laughed and cheered.

Now we expected the Lady Gamecocks to win, they went into the tournament as a number one seed.

But St. Peter’s was a number 15 seed.

Playing way over their head.

I love seeing an underdog surprise people.

It reminded me of the NY Giants 2007 season.

In 2007, each week in the playoffs the Giants had to win on the road.

They made it all the way to the Super Bowl where they faces the NE Patriots who were undefeated.

The Pat’s win and they would have the perfect season.

The only thing between NE and football history was the underdog Giants.

Surprisingly, the Giants won.

What a great moment (except for Pat’s fans).

In order to be fair, I felt the same pain in 2004. When the NY Yankees were up 3 games to none in the divisional playoffs against their arch enemy, the Boston Red Sox.

The Yankees only had to win one game to go to the World Series.

They lost the next 4 games in a row and went home for the season.

It was awful to watch.

Well, I have planned my day so I am free and ready to watch my new favorite team, St. Peter’s play UNC at 5:00, followed by the Lady Gamecocks.

If St. Peter’s wins they go up against Duke in the final four.

If not, they have had an unbelievable run and I will probably still watch the final four, since a game between Duke and UNC will be epic.

Two universities just 14 miles away battling it out and the fact it is Coach K’s final season.

But if the unbelievable happens and St. Peter’s wins, I might have to shop for a t shirt to wear next week end.

So cheers to the little guys, the underdogs. 

Best of luck St. Peter’s you are winners in my book no matter what the final score is today!

See you next week!

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