Saturday, April 23, 2022

A Comfy Old Pair Of Slippers

Comfy clothes, comfort foods, familiarity and feeling at home.

Picture at the beginning of the day, move your legs over the side of the bed.  Your feet slide into your favorite, old, kind of beaten up pair of slippers.

They wrap your feet in warmth and softness. 

The slippers make you smile.

A well worn (or just plain old) sweater. You wrap it around yourself like a hug.

A warm bowl of oatmeal, a fresh homemade soup or let’s admit it macaroni and cheese, they all fit into the comfort food category. Although, I have to admit I use some butter and salt on top of my oatmeal, yum.

They make your taste buds sing.

This is how I felt this week returning to my old job.

It’s not that it was a stress free week.

I had to clear some cobwebs out of my brain.

But slowly, it started to click.

I felt my first team huddle went well.

I felt a renewed confidence in my decisions to questions I was asked.

I felt like I had come home.

I was lucky enough to be able to come back to TD.

And then through a fortunate turn of events end up back in my Underwriting Manager role.

The journey of the last year taught me some lessons.  All that glitters isn’t gold. 

The four months I was not working were challenging. 

I ended up on a quest that took me in a big circle back to where I started.

Who knew? God did. He had a plan.

I read this week, do not pray just for a new job. Pray about the people you will work with, pray about your work environment and pray that your will be happy and excited about what you do each day.

Pray to feel passionate about the job.

Keep in the back of your head that the job is a job, it is not your life.

Life takes priority.  This is why I say life/work balance not work/life balance.

As I sit here and think about my first week back, I feel like I have had the comfort food, worn the scruffy slippers and felt the comfort of my sweater hug.

The travels of the last year have provided me with a greater sense of what is good and what I value. If I hadn’t made the decision to leave last year, there is no way I could appreciate what I have now.

I have returned and there is no place like home.

See you next week.


Sunday, April 10, 2022

The magic of a simple cardboard box

As I think back on my childhood, I think about the imagination that were part of each day.

We did not have a toy box.  We had two large cardboard boxes that once held toilet paper delivered to a neighborhood supermarket.

As kids, we did not look at these boxes with embarrassment or shame. They were magical.  They held adventures.

The times we worked our way to the bottom of these huge boxes we found toys we hadn’t played with in a while almost seemed like new toys.

A piece of rope became a fishing line.  One of us would sit on the top bunk and the other would dig into the big boxes and tie something onto the end of a rope and yank the rope.  The person on the top bunk would see what they had “reeled” in.

An end table in the living room became “an office”.

A china tea set became part of an important dinner with a lot of “water” tea, a slice of bread became the the finest pastry.

A small chalkboard became a classroom.

When a smaller cardboard box was brought home it took on a new life.

We would draw wheels on the side and it became a car.  We would even draw a steering wheel on one of the flaps.  Seated in the box and off we would go.  We could drive anywhere.  The freedom of traveling in the neighborhood or to places far away.  Sometimes the cardboard box became a plane and flew us to foreign countries.

As we sat with Mom on the roof of our apartment building at “tar beach”, we would listen to the music from a transistor radio.  In our minds, we were at the beach enjoying the sun.  Mom watching us and enjoying the sun and drinking a cold Pepsi from a bottle.

As we grew up, a record player was added to the mix.  We could be the stars of Broadway shows from albums we collected or be Gladys Knight on the :Midnight Train to Georgia.  My addiction to musicals started in the 4th grade when we went to the Rivoli Theatre in “the city” to see “The Sound of Music”.  I so wanted to be “Sixteen Going On Seventeen.”.  I sang the songs over and over again.

The magic and imagination has never really gone away.  For my 16th birthday, my parents gave me tickets to my first Broadway Show.  I went to see “Fiddler On The Roof’.  It was mesmerizing.  I wanted to be on that stage.  Unfortunately, my singing skills were lacking except in the shower or into my hairbrush microphone.

Back to the magic.

When I learned to ride a bike, I was suddenly part of the “Tour de France” on the Bronx streets.

When we put baseball cards on the spokes of our bikes with clothespins holding them in place, we were riding motorcycles through the neighborhood.

When Jenn was young, she had not mastered the skill of jumping into a turning jump rope. And who wants to be the “steady ender”all the time (although I did not mind turning the rope for Double Dutch).  We resolved the issue with a trip to a local hardware store. We purchased a couple of yards of clothesline.  I tied one end to a tree and turned the other.  We worked at it and before she knew it, Jenn got the hang of it.  In fact, my Mom stopped by and showed Jenn her jumping skills.  It got even funnier when Uncle George stopped by in his police car and joined in the jump rope event.  I didn’t dare even try to explain to Jenn the intricacies of  “Double Dutch” which I had learned when I was young.

Anyway imagination, a rope or a spaldeen or a box or chalk could all lead to hours of fun, games and adventures.

I may be wrong but I don’t see this as much any more.  We have all of these electronics that entertain us all. 

Maybe it is because I am older but there still seems to be nothing better than a cardboard box, some clothesline, a small ball or some chalk to get the imaginative juices flowing.

Time to put down the IPAD and Iphone.  Put away the play station or Xbox.  Go outside and dream, create and see what happens.

Maybe that is one of the reasons I love to write, I can create, make believe and the possibilities are endless.

For example, the only note I wrote about this blog entry earlier in the week was “ a cardboard box” and look at where it took me…..

See you next week.

PS I wrote a few weeks ago about courage.  I included information about LJ.  LJ, a 6 year old with DIPG (Diffuse Intrinisic Pontine Glioma). LJ lost his battle with this dreadful disease on Friday. He is no longer in pain or suffering from treatments.  He is whole and healthy and happy.  He is with God.  During this holiest of weeks, I ask you pray for LJ and his family and friends.  They have endured a journey none of us would want to experience but their faith has gotten them through the last 4 years and will get them through they days to come. May God bless them all and keep them in his loving arms. 

Sunday, April 3, 2022

I just have to get through the spring and the year is over

Growing up in The Bronx, I thought milk came from a container, eggs in their little crate, meat in styrofoam trays with plastic wrap.

As a child I didn’t make the connection between the cows or chickens that made their contribution to the items listed above.

If you grew up without trees and vegetable gardens why would you think anything else?

Nothing gowns in the concrete.

My parents told me about the vegetable man who would bring his truck through the streets of the Bronx yelling his arrival. Women would come out and buy the fresh vegetables and fruit.  I do not remember this taking place  but am sure my Mom’s recollections were true.

I was thinking yesterday I am so looking forward to buying fresh vegetables from the roadside stand near my house.

Corn, tomato’s, cucumbers, mushrooms, brussel sprouts, green beans, artichokes will all be part of my weekend food prep soon.

Oh and let’s not forget zucchini, eggplant and edamame.


The plants of spring become treats of summer.

I can’t wait to have a red seedless grape that doesn’t taste tart.

We do pay a price to get to that summer season.

We get to enjoy the beauty of blooming flowers and trees. But oh my gosh the pollen.  I can’t remember the last time I went a full day without a couple of coughing fits or sneezing.

I would love to open my windows and enjoy the lovely breezes but with them comes the “yellow stuff” that leaves its trail all over my porch and glass table.  It can get so thick I could write my name in it. Yuck!

So the windows stay closed.

By the time the pollen is gone, it becomes too hot to leave the windows open.

Well there is always the fall to enjoy the open windows.  Well, late fall here in South Carolina.

It is worth the spring allergies for the taste of that fresh tomato.  The thought of a sliced tomatoes sandwich  on white bread with mayo.  Nirvana.

We are already one quarter of the way through the year.

It is hard to believe Memorial Day is next month.

The community pool will finally be open without having to sign up for what hours you want to attend so you could social distance (2021 rules) or the summer of 2020 when it was closed the whole season.

Actually, the pool opens much earlier in the year. It is heated but I have become such a southern weenie that I complain about getting out of the water and feeling cold. 

The days fly by.  Almost too quickly.  It is scary.

I remember back when i was young and it seemed to take a zillion years to get through a school year or from Christmas to Christmas.

Now I blink my eyes and it is time to flip another page on the monthly calendar.

In April, I will get the Hallmark Ornament book for 2022.  Yes, the Christmas ornament book.

Jenn and I have already discussed what photos will be on our Christmas card this year.

As you all know thoughts of Christmas are never far from my heart or mind. I also it annoys the heck out of others that I think about the holidays so often.  Sorry folks, it is what it is.

This is also one of those rare years where Jenn’s birthday will fall on Election Day and mine falls on Thanksgiving. 

I am actually looking forward to Jenn’s more than mine.  I wonder why? LOL

See you next week.