Saturday, April 23, 2022

A Comfy Old Pair Of Slippers

Comfy clothes, comfort foods, familiarity and feeling at home.

Picture at the beginning of the day, move your legs over the side of the bed.  Your feet slide into your favorite, old, kind of beaten up pair of slippers.

They wrap your feet in warmth and softness. 

The slippers make you smile.

A well worn (or just plain old) sweater. You wrap it around yourself like a hug.

A warm bowl of oatmeal, a fresh homemade soup or let’s admit it macaroni and cheese, they all fit into the comfort food category. Although, I have to admit I use some butter and salt on top of my oatmeal, yum.

They make your taste buds sing.

This is how I felt this week returning to my old job.

It’s not that it was a stress free week.

I had to clear some cobwebs out of my brain.

But slowly, it started to click.

I felt my first team huddle went well.

I felt a renewed confidence in my decisions to questions I was asked.

I felt like I had come home.

I was lucky enough to be able to come back to TD.

And then through a fortunate turn of events end up back in my Underwriting Manager role.

The journey of the last year taught me some lessons.  All that glitters isn’t gold. 

The four months I was not working were challenging. 

I ended up on a quest that took me in a big circle back to where I started.

Who knew? God did. He had a plan.

I read this week, do not pray just for a new job. Pray about the people you will work with, pray about your work environment and pray that your will be happy and excited about what you do each day.

Pray to feel passionate about the job.

Keep in the back of your head that the job is a job, it is not your life.

Life takes priority.  This is why I say life/work balance not work/life balance.

As I sit here and think about my first week back, I feel like I have had the comfort food, worn the scruffy slippers and felt the comfort of my sweater hug.

The travels of the last year have provided me with a greater sense of what is good and what I value. If I hadn’t made the decision to leave last year, there is no way I could appreciate what I have now.

I have returned and there is no place like home.

See you next week.


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