Saturday, July 30, 2022

Dreams mixed with a little silliness

“Somewhere over the rainbow way up high there is a land I heard of once in a lullaby.

Somewhere over the rainbow skies are blue and the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true”

Sung by Dorothy Gale (Judy Garland) Words and music by Harburg and Arland

It was the normal crazy week in the mortgage business. The dreaded words “Month End”. In addition, I am in the middle of test cases to obtain my credit authority.Yes, test cases.  I am earning Social Security and still taking test cases.  Fortunately, I only have to do 10 tests cases and I am getting ready to submit my fifth test case.  I have already successfully completed four.  I had to take the test cases since I left TD for a while and lending/credit authority isn’t grandfathered in.  When I first started at TD in 2011, I had to complete 25 successful test cases so 10 isn’t awful.  I am trying to squeeze them in during my normal work day.

In addition, my manger asked me to participate on a conference call since he was off the day of the call.  My response “sure”.

I accepted the meeting invite and moved on with my workday. 

The next day, I received the reminder it was meeting time. I hit the “join the meeting” notification.  As I looked at the page, I saw the words PRE-WORK.  PRE-WORK???? I do not do any pre-work. Oh boy. 

The meeting begins and I realize that the seven other individuals on the call are all directing their questions only at me! There are flow charts with so much info on each page.  I hate flow charts with their” if then, or, and, arrows, triangles and squares”.  I am using my laptop so I have to keep asking them to enlarge the chart.  About 15 minutes into the call I ask if it is too early to drink.  By the time the call ends, I am told they will send me more flow charts to review.  I ask if anyone has any aspirin?

Now it is time to get back to my test case.  I have totally lost my train of thought and file flow.  I have to start all over agin.

More importantly, I have to make sure Jennifer has gotten our Mega Million tickets. 

Hey, I can dream can’t i?

Soon the day is over thank goodness.

I am usually on the serious side.  Out of my siblings, I think I am the most serious.

Every now and then I get a case of the sillies.  My humor leans toward the sarcastic side.  Once you get to know me you get it.

Once the Mega Million numbers were drawn, we checked our numbers.

We had one number and Mega Bonus ball.

I looked it up and I have won $4.  Yes, $4.

For some reason, I found this incredibly funny.

I posted on FB, I would not be accepting calls today since I would be meeting with my accountant so he could advise me on how to invest my winnings. I was cracking myself up.

This morning I posted on FB that I had met with my CPA and he had advised me to take the lump sum distribution vs the 20 year payout.

I have decided to live on the edge and am throwing caution to the wind. I am taking the whole $4 and buying more lottery tickets! 

There is enough bad news going on in the world so why not some silliness to lighten things up a little.

And since I don’t get silly often except when I have had a few cocktails and then I think I am hilarious.

From the reactions I received on FB people thought my entries were pretty funny too.

Who can’t do with a little more laughter?

At least at the end of a stressful week, I found something to chuckle about.

Maybe,  I can roll my $4 in winning into $10 and from there $25.  The sky is the limit.

I can dream can’t I? And maybe laugh a little along the way.

See you next week.

PS something new I leaned this week. I don’t need to put two spaces after the period in a sentence on a computer.  This was only done in typewriter days.  Who knew?  Or am I just gullible and this is not true?

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