Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Staring Point

The week of Thanksgiving is usually a time of anticipation and anxiety. The anticipation of family gatherings and the anxiety of family gatherings. This year was family obligations and Bob was headed to NY. After being diagnosed with cancer in September I felt it was important he spend a holiday with his family. Jenn and I had to work the day after Thanksgiving so no travels were planned. We had several invitations but decided to "go it alone" just the 2 of us.

Throw in my 54th birthday.....that was remembered by my daughter and friends but forgotten by my husband added to make this a week where I started to think about "ME".

Jenn and I got up and watched the parade. It was a relaxing day but so unlike any of the other Thanksgivings I had spent before. There was no rushing to get ready, no guests scheduled to arrive and no time spent on the road going to any one's house. At dinner time it was just Jenn and me with a turkey breast, stove top stuffing, mashed potato's and corn. Oh and cranberry sauce for me.... We ate at the table and had our own celebration. I was thankful to have Jenn sitting at the table with me. We watched "It's A Wonderful Life" and went to bed with me thinking about my life and how I had gotten to this point and if it was the way I wanted my life to continue......lots to think about......

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