Sunday, December 2, 2012

From Sunday to Saturday ......a week full of ups and downs

Last week had it's ups and it's downs......downs that were not all bad. 

I had a chance to really look at all the birthday wishes and text's I received.  Facebook has connected me with so many people from relatives that live across the country to people who were in my class at P.S. 71 in the 60's.  And the Iphone I didn't think I would like.....I Love!!!  Getting text's from much fun!!  We put up the tree and it looks great!!!  We watched the Giants win so it was a good football week-end for us!!

Back to work after a long week-end....ugh!! Add month end to it.......double ugh!!! Long days....walking into the office at 8:30 and on a good day walking out less then 12 hours later.  It is the nature of the mortgage business.  Month end and Hurricane Sandy has made my world just that much more interesting.  My team covers New York and so many of my teams customers/loans were impacted by the Hurricane.  Thank goodness I love my job!!!

Each year we hang a small tote bag my friend made me in the kitchen.  We put the Christmas cards in it as the arrive.  When I picked up the bag there were some old cards in it.  I pulled them out of the bag and went through them.  You guessed was from Mom.  She wrote about the joy of the season and the wonderful memories of Christmas past including ones with my Dad (who I think was the King of Christmas).  The lump in my throat was the size of a grapefruit.  I tried not to cry as I touched the words she had written just 12 short months ago.   (Those are the hard times........the moments you don't prepare for and don't see coming).

6 month Dr. visit to check my blood pressure.  I was actually going to avoid the visit because I was afraid of how high it might be.  OK a little more telling on myself.......something I haven't talked about before.......please do not think I am crazy........several years ago I wasn't feeling down.......but avoiding going to the doctor.....finally one night I woke up in the middle of the night and hear this booming voice in my room say"Go to the Dr. today!!" I blood pressure was 212/ Dr. told me I could have had a stroke on the spot......he put me on blood pressure med's immediately.  Since then I go every 6 months to have it checked.  Due to exercise, healthier lifestyle and taking better care of myself he is going to start taking me off some of my med's in May as long as my BP is as good as it was this good was it????? The first time they took it with an electric cuff it was 112/54......then they took it the old fashioned way at it was 122/64.  Either way it was great!!!!! I never told my Mom about my blood pressure years back or the voice I heard. She would have worried about my BP and  told me who the voice was.........well....... I think I already know who it was......122/64......I am loving it!!! Oh am my Dr. said I was a boring complaints no issues.....

a killer day at work.......I didn't get home until 11:15 PM....yes PM......what ever happened to bankers hours?????

Up early to take the dog for his weekly ear cleaning....$10 a week......I can't do it myself since my dog has been known to bite the hand that feeds now I spend more a month to have the damn dogs ears cleaned than go to the gym for a month....go figure.
I also bought a gas card at cost $40 for a $50 gas card.  I am starting to buy them so our trip to Missouri won't kill us in the gas tank department.  I had already spent over $50 on groceries which was the requirement so why not start stocking the gas cards away.
Jenn and I also got our CWP's in the mail.  Nothing says Christmas in South Carolina like going gun shopping...LOL.

Saturday would also have been Mom's 76th birthday.  I thought about her a lot during the day.  But it's funny finding the Christmas card earlier in the week was in some ways harder than her birthday.  Like I said it's those unexpected moments that sneak up on you......

Well......that was the week.

This week I am looking forward to finally having my washing machine up and running!!! It has been 4 long weeks waiting for it to be repaired.

I am going to try and enjoy the fact that the house is decorated both inside and out.  In fact right now while I type this I am looking at our beautiful tree........I am going to try and find time to enjoy the season.........

See you next week.......

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