Saturday, December 15, 2012

The Way Things Are Supposed To Be

I have written quite a few entries about my Mom during the last year.  I have talked about what I had learned from her, the kind of person she was and how I feel about her no longer being here for me to talk to or hug or go to for advice.  But this is the way it should be.........children bury their parents. 

What happened at that elementary school against the natural order of things.  Children should be safe at school, teachers should not have to hide their students from a shooter and most of all.......parents should not have to bury their children.  Cheryl and Mike lost Maria to a terrible disease.  They had no control over the ultimate outcome.  They did all they could for her.  They were with her when she passed.  The parents of those young children had no idea that when they said goodbye to their children yesterday morning it would be for the last time.  Like most of you the news devastated me.  So young with so much in their future.  You wonder how could this have happened........why would God allow it?? But strangely next you find yourself praying to God.....for the children, for the parents and for us.  If watching the news has brought me to tears and I do not know any of the victims personally there is no way I can even begin to fathom the pain those parents are experiencing. 

The pain I have felt these past 11 months since Mom left us is justifiable but is they way life is supposed to be.  Did I want more time with her? Yes.  Do I miss her everyday? Yes.  Do I wish for one more phone call or conversation with her? Yes.  Am I looking at a life of unfulfilled dreams? No.  Mom had a good life and lived 75 years.  But those much that was yet to come for them........

The Christmas lights I so enjoyed just a few days ago have gotten dimmer.  We have not turned on our outside Christmas lights the last few nights in silent tribute to those lost lives. 

I have friends who are teachers.  I have always known their jobs are more than the hours in the classroom.  Their jobs are not just the long summers off.  They have an impact in the life of each child that enters their classroom.  Yesterday, they showed us they were hero's who put their students lives ahead of theirs........

Missing Mom....yes but it is me being selfish that I wanted more time with her.  But I don't look at her life thinking I wish she had gotten to.......

Those parents.......they have so many never get to's.........

Those teachers.........unselfish and brave........

While the lights of Christmas may seem a little dimmer now........the stars in the sky are somehow much brighter............with 26 new stars.......

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