Sunday, December 23, 2012

The Best Gift of Christmas........

I know it sounds crazy but I recieved a Christmas present Wednesday night in the mail that tops anything I could or have ever gotten for Christmas.  Yes, I love getting me shallow.  Whether it be a new pocketbook or an Amazon gift card.......I love them all.  BUT last week I got a gift to top all gifts.......

What is this special gift you may be asking........

it's a pillow.

Why on earth would a pillow be so special????

The material was found in my Mom's apartment when they were cleaning her things out after she passed away last New Year's Day.  My sister-in-law took the material and hoped to do something special with it.  I am not sure what Mom had planned to do with the material.  My sister is pretty sure she was going to make something for her three greatgrandaughters......what a wonderful thought!!!!

My sister-in-law, Terry, gave the material to her Mom.  Terry's Mom, Jeannie,  made 4 beautiful pillows (one for each of my Mom's four children).  She hand stitched and quilted the material into a beautiful pattern blending the 2 different materials.  The finished product is beautiful.

When I saw the pillow and read the note my brother wrote with it.......I was reduced to tears.....not just a few tears but a major cry fest......I couldn't stop.  I held the pillow, touched it like it was made of the finest hand spun silk and kept running my hand over it.  I wrapped my arms around it and put my head down on it.  I smelled it hoping for a hint of Mom's perfume but sadly there wasn't any. 

I see Mom as I watch Jenn in the kitchen making chocolate chips.  I see Mom in the ornament my sister gave me last year that was from Mom and Dad's tree.  I see Mom in the bow I tried to tie on the wreath on my front door.....trying to copy the way she did it for my front door wreath just 2 short years ago.  I see her all over the place and in my heart......just not here in my home like she was a short time ago.

But now I have a pillow........bits of material lovingly sewn together.

No doubt the best gift of Christmas........a part of Mom. 

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