Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Looking Backward and Forward.....

OK....losing Mom on the first day of 2012 was not making the year look very promising but surprisingly there were some good moments.

February- Greg and Terry came to visit.  We spent Super Bowl Sunday together with Cheryl's family watching the Giants beat the Patriots.

April- Mom's Memorial Service.  It was great to see so many people come out to remember Mom and to spend the week-end together.

May- Jenn and I spent a week-end at the beach.

July- My first real vacation in years.  Barbados with family.  Beautiful beach, pool and free drinks!!!

August- My first attempt at painting....LOL.  OK art is not part of my future as a hobby!!!

September- I was a finalist in the TD Dessert Contest.  I did a whirlwind trip to Philadelphia for the contest and came in 3rd.

Jenn and I took our CWP class and passed.  (Concealed Weapons Class)

October- December went by in a flash.

December- did a quick road trip to Florida to spend Christmas with part of the family.

and here we are New Year's day 2013.

What is coming up this yeay?

Heading to Missouri in July for a family reunion with Mom's family......can't wait!!!!

Hopefully, getting together with my cousin's Debbie and Karen in a location to be decided later.....hint, hint Karen....LOL.

And yes I have the usual goals of getting healthier, losing weight and exercising more.  More time with family and friends.  Laughing more and crying less (the crying part is hard since I cry when I am happy, sad, angry, frustrated or laughing.....see what I mean??).  Do my job and do it well but not make it my life.  I have to remember I have a life outside of my job.  I am going to try and remedy this by going to work earlier each day so I am not still at my desk late at night.  I must get back on my routine at the gym....4 days a week minimum!!!   I have been faithful to my writing but have not yet figured out the being published part.....something I need to work on.  I have been able to read more....thank you Kindle and IPad.  I am starting to learn things can be fixed instead of ignoring them ....example.....for years the cold water has run slow into the washing machine which made doing laundry a drag.  Well guess what.....the washing had to be repaired and the repairman also fixed the slow running cold water. I need to focus on healthy meals......right now I am soaking beans for a bean soup....very healthy loaded with protein and fiber.  One of my Christmas presents was a salad organizer for work.....I will.... yes..... I will be making my lunches at night instead of waiting until the morning which slows me up from getting to work early.  I also got a small crock that I can use to heat up my lunches which gives me more options like bringing soup to work.    I will try to appreciate the small things, take time to smell the roses and not pass up opportunities to do things out of fear. 

I hope when 2013 ends I can tell you some things I have accomplished.  No, I won't be climbing any mountains or bungee jumping.  But if I can end the year telling you about some new adventures out of my comfort zone that will make for a successful year.

Thank you for continuing to read my entries and giving me feedback.......it means so much to me.

Happy New Year......may it been one filled with the good things in life for all of you!!!!!

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