Sunday, January 20, 2013

What I Am Doing To Climb Out Of The Blues.....

Today, I purchased nail oil.  I need to put it on my toenails every day so they get back to normal so I can get them painted again when I go for a pedicure.  I am hoping to start to see an improvement within a week.  Not that I will get them painted in a week.  I have a few weeks before my next pedicure and I will see how they are then......if they still don't look normal, I will give it another 4 weeks and hopefully then they will be good to go.  Note to not go 4 years without letting my toenails breath.....

I am now sleeping in a reclining position for the first time in 3 feels so good!!!!

My eyes have stopped maybe just maybe I can start to wear make up again tomorrow.....WOO HOO!!!

I am still having some coughing fits but am planning to return to the gym next Saturday.  I so need those endorphins!!!!

I did not stay at work later than 7:00 any night last week!!! This week I am shooting for 6:00-6:30....hey the whole point of me going in early in the morning was to get out the next week I would like to get out at least 2 nights a week at 5:00 so I can hit the gym during the week too.

Writing my blog on Sunday!!! Another plus.....

I started playing with my hair and kind of figured out the way to have it lay right in the front but still have some height.....another good thing.

I am playing around in my head with a story......not sure if I could make it novel length but at least I am starting to think about it.  Also searching for some writing opportunities......

I bought an electric griddle for was $39.99 on sale for $19.99 and had a $10 rebate......just had a grilled cheese sandwich,.....made it with low calorie bread used brummel and brown instead of butter and just 2 thin slices of was yummy.  Oh and that bean soup I made a few weeks ago....took some from the freezer the other night and had it for was amazing!!!!

All this being blahs seem to be fading.....thank goodness!!!

Tomorrow I start my day with a 7:45A.M. mammogram.....LOL.....what a way to start the day and the week....but a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do......

I am also going to try.....yes complain less......this is hard but I think I need to give it an one wants to be around a "Debbie Downer"  right.......

Oh and did I mention that I finally realized that I do not have to stay up until 11:00 or later each night??? Yes, I can go to bed earlier and the world is not going to stop turning.......why the heck did I think I must stay up until 11:00 or later......I have a DVR so I am not going to miss my favorite shows....right??

I also took time to get caught up on the magazines that have been piling up on the end table.......there was an article in Good Housekeeping about having a "journal of gratitude".....Hey, I have been keeping one for about 5 years now......some days it is so hard to come up with those 5 good things about the day.....

Today's 5 good things......hhhhhmmmm....
1.  Great grilled cheese for lunch.
2.  Reading the Sunday paper on Sunday.
3.  Blog entry for the week done.
4.  Recorded 2 parts to a good series about US Presidents.
5.  Starting to feel like me again!!!!!

Sorry for being such a drag.........hope I won't go there again for a long long time.......

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