Tuesday, January 15, 2013

The Blahs.....

I haven't written in two weeks.  That's a long time for me.  I mean I have skipped weeks before because I was busy and had a lot going on.  This time it has been a big case of the blahs......

The holidays are over, the one year anniversary of Mom's passing, a nasty head and chest cold or something like that for two weeks, oh and because of the teary eyes from sneezing and coughing I have not worn make-up in two weeks even to work......those of you who know me well know this is a major event.....me going to work sans make-up unheard of....  not stepping foot in the gym for over two weeks because of the chest cold, going to work early and staying late, I went to get a pedicure and since I have gotten pedicures every month for the last few years my big toe nails are dry and they need to breath so I had to go without polish......you don't understand....there is so little I like about myself physically.....at least my polished toes made me happy now I don't even have that....ugh...working on the week-ends and on and on.......blah, blah, blah.

Like Cher said in Moonstruck......SNAP OUT OF IT!!!!

The chest/head cold will fade and I will be able to get back to the gym.  I am trying to get out of the office somewhat earlier.  I have gone through one year of each occasion without Mom.  And the holidays......well they will be back again before we know it and there is a lot of fun to be had before then.

I think it just has been everything coming to a head and I was bound to crash. 

I am hoping to be back at the gym soon.  And I can get those endorphins making me feel good!!!!

I have been true to my New Years resolutions.....eating healthy (protein drink and oatmeal for breakfast), trying not to let my job be my life (OK a work in progress) and now need to get the gym part going. 

Time to look for new adventures, spend time with friends, take a nap on the week-ends and kick my self in the ass to get moving.

OK that was my little pep talk to me.....let's hope I listen.....

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