Sunday, January 27, 2013

Quoting Me Back To Me.....

Early in the week I was in a managers meeting, one of my friends said to me "are you getting out early at the end of the day like you said you would?".....later in the week someone on my team said "don't forget you said you were going to stay positive this week." 

I haven't had someone quote me back to me so it was funny.  Hey, if I am willing to put my thoughts and words out there it is nice to know that someone remembers what I wrote.  Even if they say it as a gentle reminder of what I have committed to do.

I finally got to the gym this week for the first time this year!!!!! That nasty cold is finally gone!!! It felt so good to get in the pool and jog for close to an hour.  I remembered to charge my Aquafit  so I was a happy camper jogging in the pool to my favorite tunes.  A gentleman who had just finished doing laps stopped in front of me to ask me about the Aquafit.  I told him about all of the options it offers.  When I got out of the pool he asked me how long I had been jogging for....I told him almost an hour.....he said "that's great!!"  (He had gotten in the pool after me and was done with his laps before me.)

I read up on the Weight Watchers Mobile  about the new 360 program.  Sometimes it is good to go back to the basics and refresh my memory.

This coming week is month end.  In the mortgage business that means it is so busy.  My team has a big goal.  We have to clear to close 268 loans.....that is more than we have ever done before as a team.  Friday morning we have finished 200.  Usually, we get a report so I can keep track of how we do throughout the day but there was a system glitch so I wasn't able to keep track.  I am hoping when I get in tomorrow we will have another 10-15 done and just have 55 or so to go in 4 days.  On Friday, I can breath again for another 4 weeks until month end is here again......

I already got the results of my mammo back and everything is fine.  That's price you pay to see how flat they can squish your boobs.  They looked like big flat pancakes.  OK and why do they tell you to hold your breath??  What do they think I would do while part of my body is being squeezed between to pieces of plastic??

So mammo good......close to month end goal.....back in the to wear make-up to work again (which is good for me and those who have to look at me too).  Still working on the toenails getting healthy.....

Not a bad week and really starting to feel more like me again.....and you can quote me on that!!!

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