Sunday, February 10, 2013

Milk Bone Underwear, The Gym and Me.......

On Tuesday this week, I must have been wearing milk bone underwear (one time of the TV show "Cheers"  Norm walked in to the bar and someone said "it's a dog eat dog world" to which Norm replied "And I am wearing milk bone underwear!!")....everyone was at my butt......anything I could do wrong I did do wrong......all I wanted to do was go home and not have to talk to anymore customers.

Then something wonderful happened......Wednesday and Friday.....both days were nirvana......everything went smoothly.  Even the customers that I had to call didn't yell or carry on. I was able to catch up on some things I had wanted to work on AND on Friday I had an appointment and left the office at 3:00.  WOW leaving the office in daylight....what a treat!!!!!

I went to the gym Saturday and Sunday.  Each time I spent an hour water jogging.  I was surprised that the Weight Watchers Online site listed water jogging as an activity and even calculated the points I earned from the workout!!!!

I wish I could spend my life in the water.  In the pool I am like everyone else and can do what everyone else does.  No standing out in the crowd there!!!! Well ......except the size of my bathing suit compared to the others in the the water I feel no aches or pains......I can run with out effort.  I feel so normal.  I am not huffing and puffing.  I pick up the pace and really move.  I am averaging 3-4 miles in one hour......WOO HOO!!!!!

To think by getting to the gym 3-4 times a week I could be jogging up to 16 miles a week......amazing!!!!!

Those 2 days at work that were far less stressful than usual and getting to the gym .....I could feel those endorphins doing there stuff....

I feel good.......real good......but uh oh here comes Monday!!!!!

Please let me experience some of those wonderful moments again.........please........

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