Sunday, February 24, 2013

The Signs of a Not Good Day or Two...LOL

A few weeks ago, the passenger side window on my Ford Escape stopped working.  No often do I need to open it?? But I did think WOW my SUV is only 6 years old and only has 89,000+ miles.  Well, knowing me why think about getting it fixed.....I can live without the window going up and down.  That was until Friday.....

Rainy, nasty, cold Friday......

I pull up to the gate at the office and the driver side window goes down so I can swipe my badge and open the gate.  It went down slowly and up even slower and then stopped with about 8 inches to go.  The rain is coming in and I am at a loss.  I park my car and grab my umbrella.  While trying to balance my umbrella, I try to push the window closed.  I get it up to about 3 inches from the top and then it stops.. It is not moving another inch.  I go in the office and plan to call the Ford dealership. 

Now I can't find my cell phone.  I tear my pocketbook and the bag I carry into the office phone.  I call home and ask Bob to look for my luck.. One of my team members calls my ringing, no vibrating.  I call Jenn and ask her to use the find my cell phone app.  She calls back and says it is at my office.....maybe in the parking lot.  My friend checks the parking lot no luck.  I go out to the car and start ripping it apart.  I can hear a pinging.  I find it under my car seat (it fell there when I threw my bags in the car while I tried to fix my window).  The pinging is Jenn sending an alarm sound so I can find the phone.  I go back in the office and call Jenn to ask how to turn the alarm off.

I call Ford about the window motors.  The rep said it would take about 3-31/2 hours to get them repaired.  Oh and about $500!!  I ask if I need an appt and he says no just bring it in first thing in the morning and it will be taken care of right away.

I leave work at 2:15 for an eye dr. appt. in the rain.  Cold air is coming in the car and so is the rain.  I get to the appt which lasts over an hour since I had problems with my glasses from last year.  I get home at 4:30 and then have to run with Bob to get some docs notarized.  The first bank we stop at has no notary, so we head to the next one where we finally take care of the docs we need executed.

A quick stop at Walmart and we get home at 5:45.  Me........ wet and cold.

Saturday morning....up at 6:15.  At the dealership at 7:45.  First in line.  GREAT!!!!  They open the bays at 8:00.  I explain the situation and they say they will get right on it........right on it.  So why at 11:30 does the tech come to tell me how much the repair is going to cost.  I told him I had already gotten an estimate the day before.  He says they will get to it right away.  RIGHT AWAY????? I have already been there almost 4 hours.  I see people come and go.  Now when the service tech comes to talk to each customer he is no longer making eye contact with me at all.   At 1:15, he comes to tell me the repairs are done BUT I also need a new battery.  Yes, I am a jerk.....I asked how much....another $119.00.  Yes, stupid me got the DAMN battery. 

Now I wait again, the only good thing is the repairs shop closes at 2:00 so I know they have to be done by then.

Jenn had found me a ......ugh......Senior Citizen coupon (you only need to be 55 to use it) for 10% off repairs.  At least I will save some $$$.

At 1:45, I am told my car is ready.  I go to pay for it and they tell me the discount has a $50 limit.  I tell them it doesn't say that anywhere on the coupon.  I ask to see the manager,  of course he doesn't work on Saturday.  I can call him Monday.  Double ugh!!!

I ask the tech and the lady behind the counter did they know how much I had in my checking account because the repairs are costing about what I have in my account.  They didn't get my sarcasm......

Now I get in the car and am ready to leave when I notice that the panel where my window switches are has gashes in it like someone tried to use a screw driver on it.  I get the tech and show him watch happened.  He calls the guy who worked on my care who says he didn't do it.  I tell the tech I am positive those gashes were not there when I came in.  He says he will order the part and let me know when it come in so I can go back and have it replaced.

I am so looking forward to that visit......and I am sure my friend the service tech is too!!!!!

PS One good thing about today......I weighed myself this morning and was down a few pounds!!! So maybe my portion control, protein shakes and only eating what I feel like eating and not being confined to a specific dinner plan is paying off.  I also got to gym and jogged for a little over an hour. Oh and may rain again this least I know my windows will work.......

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