Sunday, March 3, 2013

A Man Thinks In His Heart Then He Is

I watched a show with Rick Warren on it the other day.  The title of this blog he said was a quote from the Bible. WOW!!!!

Mom had given me The Purpose Driven Life to read a few years back.  I didn't read it but after watching the show I think I will.

I know what I think of myself in my heart.  It is not all positive.  I need to start believing different things about me.  I need to believe positive things.  I have to push the negative thoughts I have or others have about me out of my head and heart.  This is probably a bigger job than losing weight, exercising and improving my lifestyle.  Years of beating myself up have taken root in my head, heart and soul. It has taken its toll.

Well it's time to fix that.......

I did 2 full hours of jogging in the pool this week-end.  I figured out it is approximately 6-7 miles......not too shabby.  I finished all my week-end chores before I went to bed Friday night.  That made for a much more relaxing week-end.  Eating regular portions....LOL......what an eye opener.  I pray more than I have before.  And I do see some prayers very slowly being answered......maybe I am learning about patience along the way. The items above are all good things.......but I really have to start to figure out how to fix my heart. 

OK a new myself and see myself in my heart as a person worthy of being liked and loved.  I don't think it too late to fix this part of me......

Life sure is complicated isn't think that I thought I knew it all at 18 or 21 or 25......and here I sit at fifty something and I have more questions that I did 30 years that the way it is supposed to be????

I am going to start looking in the mirror of my soul.....I will remind myself I am worthy of love.......maybe just maybe I can start to believe last I may get to a point where what I think in my heart are good things.....pushing the negative thoughts and feeling away.

I think Mom agrees as I hear her wind chimes ringing outside in the early evening breeze.  She used to say to me "Donna you don't get it yet."  She wasn't being mean.  She was stating a fact as she saw it.  Well Mom.....maybe I am starting to get it after all........

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