Sunday, March 31, 2013

DO NOT Get Dressed In The Dark

I hate light in the morning!! I used to shower with just a bathroom nightlight on until I was on the receiving end of a spider bite that left me sitting home with my leg elevated for several days.  Meaning I do put on a light when I shower.  But when I get dressed, I don't put a light on.  I know what I am going to wear and it's not like I have to make any major fashion decisions.  My work clothes are pretty simple.  Black or Navy pants and some kind of top. 

Friday morning was just like any other morning.  except on Friday's TD likes their employees to wear green.  I have a couple of green tops from which I can pick to wear.  Since it was still cold (by southern standards- hey I had to defrost my car windows), I chose a green striped sweater that I usually wear with my black pants.  No problem.  I had done laundry the night before and it was all folded on  my bed.  I grabbed my black pants and green top threw on some jewelry and off I went.

As I was getting out of the car at work, I looked down an noticed my pants weren't black they were blue.  No major crisis there except it really didn't go with my green top.  What made it worse was they were my old, worn out, holes in the legs, seams shot to hell pants that I only wear around the house when I know without any doubt I will not see anyone except those that live in my house.  These pants are years old and should have been pitched years ago.  They are not Goodwill worthy....they are garbage dump ready. 

Friday was month end at work.  That means a day that is constant and relentless.  I did not have time to go home and get changed.  So what was my hid at my desk.  I pulled my top down as much as I could, made sure to not expose the torn seams and prayed that no one would notice.  When I had to get up to go somewhere I did my own version of speed walking.....dreading the thought that someone might want to talk to me.

I made it through the day.....thank goodness!!! But did I throw the pants away when I got fact I am wearing them right now.  You would think I would have learned......well I actually I have......I will put on the light before I leave in the morning to make sure I am wearing what I planned on wearing. 

OK spider bites and wearing ratty clothes to work........I really need to get over it and put the damn lights on in the morning........

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