Sunday, March 24, 2013

The Food Thing....

Food is such a part of my life.  The not eating and watching what you eat is time consuming and exhausting.  Each day I bring a variety of foods to work for breakfast and lunch.  I am never quite sure what I will want so I just throw a bunch of things in my bag and then I have options later. 

I usually bring a banana, oatmeal and a protein drink for the morning.  That gets me through to lunch.  I also bring two with grape tomato's and one with grapes.  Weight watchers string cheese, some turkey pepperoni, one serving of pretzels, a protein bar and some chicken breast and cheese come along for the ride.  Occasionally, I will throw in a pb and j (yes, I use the healthy kind of bread and I have started eating organic strawberry preserves....yummy and I also bought some that is sugar free but haven't tried it yet) or a salad or some eggs salad made with mustard and low fat mayo.  I bring a flavored water to drink and a plastic mug filled with ice. 

Please note I do NOT eat all this food!!!!! I just can't make up my mind what I want so I have a wide selection to choose from....the good part is what ever I do not eat one day I bring with me the next day. 

I have to say if you looked at my lunch bag filled with healthy options you would be impressed. 

I also think my decision to eat only when I am hungry and not feel that I must have dinner every night has been a good choice.  Each night this week I had a salad before I ate dinner.  One night I had it with a cup of low calorie soup and another night with a one egg omelet.

Now I am not saying I have been a saint but I have been so much better at my decisions.

Right now I am putting Weight Watcher's lasagna in the crock pot for dinner.  YUM!!!!

I have thought out my meals....pretty much......I always have to leave room for flexibility.......

I wish I could get by with not having to think about food so much but if I didn't I think some of my choices would not be very wise. 

I do watch people who can eat whatever they want with envy.  I have learned that I no longer say I can never have this or that again.  If I did that I would feel deprived.  By choosing not to have it now......that makes it easier.

One good thing is having things I used to love and they no longer appeal to me.  For example, sour cream and onion potato chips....I loved them.....I had a few recently and had to take Pepto Bismol after......I used to love Almond Joys......I had a snack size on wasn't very good.  So I can say with all honesty.....those two items are off my food list......for life.  I hope the list will continue to grow of things I no longer want to have and the list of healthy things will grow.  I now thoroughly enjoy pineapple and grapes and strawberries.....not bad options.  

Also instead of having my hands free to nosh, I have been working out with hand weights while I watch TV.  It is getting a little more exercise into my week and I am not giving up anything to do it.  And yes I do feel it in my arms.  While my time in the pool at the gym is a full body workout at least with the weights I am working on muscles the nights I don't get to the gym. 

I am not sure if it is my imagination or not but my clothes do feel  slightly looser......and that makes me feel like less of a loser.....

Yes, I do feel like a loser......but I am working on it.....I promise.........

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