Sunday, March 17, 2013

Random Things About The Week...

I skipped writing last reason in particular just not much to say......for me that is saying a lot!!!!

Last Sunday, Jenn and I went to our Utah CFP (concealed firearms class).  Once we have our permits we can now carry in 41 states.  This was just a 3 hours class and there was no test or shooting required.

The rest of the week was kind of a blur....busy but nothing earth shattering.

Friday, I left work early to get my new eyeglasses.  Last year, I went  for new glasses but they never felt right and made me dizzy.  So what was my solution.....did I go back and get them adjusted......NO.....I just kept wearing my old glasses because you know in the world of Donna....nothing can ever be fixed.....LOL. Anyway, I have my new glasses and finally started wearing them this morning and so far so good. 

Saturday, up at 6:30.  Dog to vet by 8 and at the gym and in the pool by 8:30.  Leave the gym at 9:45 and there is a VM from the vet.  The dog has a skin infection and allergy issues.  Westies are prone to skin problems and Jeter has has a bunch of them.  Our previous Westie as he got older had warts and moles.  I thought Jeter had the same thing going on but no it wasn't what I had diagnosed but was a nasty skin infection. This is the same dog that I have to take to the vet every other week to have his ears cleaned.  Add to it the antibiotics for the skin infection and Benadryl 3 times a day.  Cha ching....cha ching.  I have to bring him back next Friday at 3:30 so the vet can see how he is doing.  I couldn't even get a later appointment......ugh.  And I couldn't go next Saturday since I already have something to do that will tie me up for most of the day. Next off to get my face waxed.  I will write more about that below..... Anyway, we then hit the USC bookstore, Aldi's, Bi-Lo and picked up the dog from the vet at 11:30.  What a world wind morning!!! Once we got Jeter home it was off to Walmart and Publix. Oh and in the morning there was also a stop at Target to return a toilet seat we had purchased on Friday.  OK who knew there were so many styles to choose from.....I ended up going to bed, Bath and Beyond because I had a coupon.  Who knew there would be a zillion options......wood, cushioned, elongated, round, plastic, designer.......there was a whole wall of them.  LOL.....way too much info??  As far as I was concerned way too many choices......

The waxing.....I have shared with you I get my full face (no pun intended with the "full" reference) waxed.   Including eye brows, lip, chin....the works.  I had never had the girl doing the waxing work with me before.  She was very pleasant and chatted away.  Then she asked....."have you ever had your nose hairs waxed?".....that to me is like if someone offers you a breath take it.  I told her no I had never had my nose hairs waxed.  She said it didn't hurt.  All of a sudden I could picture myself with giant hairs coming out of my nose!!! I said go ahead.  OK having wax up your you have a stopped up nose.  It didn't hurt.  And I spent the rest of the day looking up my nose to admire my nostrils!!! What a mess I am!!!!

While the hair on my head is my obsession for its I have to worry about how hairy my nose is......can someone cut me some slack?????

And here it is Sunday again......the weekend goes way too fast!!!!! The smell of sauce cooking on the stove is wonderful.......why can't Yankee Candle make a olive oil, onions and garlic sent candle??  It is nice enough to sit outside but I don't want to open the window to the house since the pollen is already leaving a film on my car......I don't need it in the house with a dog who had allergies .....but I can't resist sitting outside even if only for a little while.....

Next question, should benadryl knock my dog out??  Why isn't it working??? The vet said I might make him less likely to lick his paws or skin.....but not Jeter......he has had his afternoon dose of Benaydryl and is sitting up staring at me while I type this.......

On the upside my glasses are working well and my nostrils look fabulous.  On the down side I have a dog that is costing me more than I care to think about......

On the upside Dancing With The Stars starts tomorrow night.  On the down side I am getting close to month end and am not near hitting goal yet......

On the upside I am doing well with portion control.  On the down side......hhhmmmm......can't think of one.....which makes it an upside.....

Can you tell I am all over the map today jumping from one topic to the other??  Sharing whatever pops into my head......LOL.....I guess the title of this entry works.....random things......LOL....

Oh and I bought some cabbage to start the quest to figure out how my Mom used to make the best cole slaw in the least in my opinion.....

And another about a weird coincidence.......I woke up during the night ......early Saturday morning.....while in the bathroom......I picked up and old copy of Readers Digest.....while scanning the Sept 2012 issue there was an article about a woman named Donna and her daughter and a friend one of whom was named Jenny......they had gotten lost in death valley for 3 days.  Anyway, I didn't finish the article and thought to myself I will go back and finish reading it another day.  When I came back into my bedroom the TV was still on with an episode of 20/20.  Now you tell me what the odds are of 20/20 covering that exact same story when I came back in the made the hair on my arms stand straight up and  gave me the creeps....not sure why.....but as I said earlier what are the odds of reading a 6 month old Readers Digest in the middle of the night, not finishing the story and them looking at the TV and seeing the story on TV from the point at which you left off in the magazine......weird,weird,weird.....

See there I go off on a tangent are all getting to see how my mind it makes you glad you are not me!!!!  That's OK at least for today I doing mind being me.....rambling random thoughts and all.......

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