Sunday, March 31, 2013

The Ghost of Easter Past

Today is a quiet day in my house.  Kind of nice.  I did  all of my chores and errands yesterday so to I could do nothing today. I just woke up from a nap.  I have been catching up on shows on my dvr.  In a little while I will try yes I said try to make Mom's fried rice to go with Mom's ribs that Jenn is making.  I also tried to make her cole slaw.  I am not sure how she got the cabbage sliced so thin?  I tried but couldn't get it like she did but I will keep trying. 

When I was young, Easter started the night before when we dyed the eggs.  In the morning there were baskets filled with all kinds of goodies and wrapped in colored cellophane.  We finally were able to put on our new Easter Outfits for Mass.  Then it was either off to my grandmothers apartment in the Bronx or to my cousins house on Long Island.  Later when we moved to Pearl River, some of the gatherings would take place at our house.  Weeks before Easter Mom would take us shopping for our Easter Outfits.  I don't remember if she did it with each one of us separately but tend to think she herded us together through Alexander's Dept Store.  Some years my sister and I wore matching outfits....hats and all.  I remember getting my first pair of shoes that had any hint of a grown up heel.  Getting to wear fishnets (yes they were the fashion at the time) or my mother sending me to the store to by a pair of nylons.  I can still see the store and asking for a certain shade.  The saleslady would pull down a box and open the tissue paper and take out a pair for me to bring home.  This was all pre-panty hose as you can tell. 

As we got older and were out on our own, Mom and Dad would have Easter Brunch.  We would show up in time for the grandchildren to hunt for eggs and there was also an adult hunt for eggs.  Mom as usual would get everything to the table at the same  After Dad was gone, we started to gather at each others house for dinner.  We even had egg decorating and hat contests.  I don't know if it is good or bad but some of those occasions are on video's......

I do miss gathering with my family for these occasions but today I am glad to just have a day to relax.I will let you all know how the ribs, rice and cole slaw turn out.  I know they won't be like Mom's but I am hoping they will have the essence of what Mom created. 

No new outfits, no egg hunt, no family gathering.....Mom might be sad about that......but that's my head and heart I am remembering the real reason for this day........and that would make Mom very happy!!!!!

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