Sunday, April 14, 2013

Yes, I Am Still Here.....

I know I didn't do an entry last week.  I was busy on Saturday so Sunday I played catch up.  Jenn and I spent Saturday driving to Raleigh NC to meet my parents 1st great grandchild, Victoria ( I met number 2 (Elouise) and number three (Zoey)at Christmas). It was a very enjoyable day and I didn't even mind that I spent 7 hours on the road and drove over 450 miles to spend 4 hours at a party.  It was worth it to watch Victoria ride around the backyard on a pony!!

My Mom's family have been know to do these kind of things.  We went to visit my grandparents one time and my grandmother suggested they all go and visit a friend of theirs.  My father said he saw my grandfather get a funny look on his face but had no idea what he was in for.  They drove several hours to visit this friend only to find out the friend wasn't home!!!

Yesterday, I went to the local farm stand for the first time this season.  I made a great salad with fresh veggies.....I finished it between yesterday and today.  I went back to the farm market again today to get more veggies.  I showed the man working there the picture of the salad I put on FB yesterday.  I told him I would surely be back again later in the week.  Then I went to Lowe's and did my once a year version of southern shopping.  I am not a gardener and so many people here love to do gardening.  I hate it!! I want low maintenance projects. I buy plants and when they die I pitch will not catch me outside in the heat with a hat on and a trowel in my hand working throughout the summer.   So once a year I go to Lowes and get what I need.  6 bags of river rocks for the front of the house, 2 hanging baskets of flowers, new herbs for the herb garden, potting soil and on and on...

I am on vacation from work this week but I am calling it working at home for the week.  I will be on my work computer each morning and will check in again in the afternoon and at the end of the day.....not really a vacation but at least I can go on my laptop in my jeans or capri's and a t-shirt.  I can grab a cup of coffee and occasionally look out the window.

So on my "vacation"  I will plant my herb garden, organize under my bathroom sink, organize my important papers bin, get the 3rd bedroom back in order, actually cook a dinner,  have the AC man come and figure out why the central air is not getting cool (better now than in July!!!!), scrub down the bathrooms from top to bottom....are you jealous yet???? How does that sound for fun?????  And in between these fun events I will follow up on what needs to be done at the I a party animal or not???? 

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