Sunday, February 17, 2013

The Week-ends are for REST?????

The theory is we work from Monday through Friday.  Then on  Saturday and Sunday ........we rest.....yeah right.....we use those two days to get everything done we don't get done during our 40 plus hour work-weeks.  Take this week for example. 

I left work at 5:03 PM on Friday.  I raced across town to get a pedicure and eyebrows waxed (OK yes the full face waxed).  I got home at about 7:30.  Excess hair gone from the face and feet looking lovely but alas still no polish for the toes. While 9 of the toes look great, the nail on the big toe on my right foot still has a ways to go.  Now in addition to nail oil on my toes at night......I am now massaging my toe nail with Vicks.  Yes, Vicks......that stuff that smelled so horrible when my Mom would put it on us as kids.  Work on the bills that have to be paid in the next few weeks and balanced the checkbook.

Saturday morning......
up at 7:45 to the lovely sound of Jeter barking to go out.  Hit the gym by 9:15 for an hour jog in the pool.  Home for a few minutes then it was time to go to Walmart and take the dog to the vet for his bimonthly ear cleaning. Home again. Online shopping for a shower gift.  Now, Jenn and I are off to meet our friend, Mary, to catch an afternoon movie, Safe Haven.  After the movie, it is a quick stop at CVS to get Pampers to go with the shower gift (OK when did they come up with 9,000 kinds of diapers????).  Home again to change clothes, wrap the Pampers and off again to the baby shower.  A couple of hours of socializing and back home by 8:45.

Sunday morning......
wake up once again at 7:45 to the lovely sound of Jeter barking.  I watch CBS Sunday Morning and make the grocery list.  At the gm by 12:15.  Another hour of jogging in the pool.  Then a stop at the post office, gas station, CVS (yes again), Bi-Lo (diet pepsi on sale) and Publix for the rest of the groceries.  Get home after 4:00.  Unpack the groceries, throw in a load of wash, fold the laundry that is sitting in the dryer, iron for the week, clean the chicken cutlets, make chicken parm for dinner.  Helped with Bob's online job search.  Dinner should be ready in about 45 minutes.  I am trying to decide if I have the energy to make my lunch for tomorrow or if I will just not do it and complain in the morning that I should have done it now......

But I am fading fast.....I would still like to read the Sunday paper on Sunday and there are a few TV shows I would like to watch tonight.....

Before I know it it will be 5:45 and my work week will start again......well THANK GOD I had the week end to relax!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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