Saturday, July 27, 2013

I Have Seen The Face of Courage and Her Name Is Gina.....

I had planned on my first blog entry after my trip to see my Ohana (that means family for those not fluent in Hawaiian) in Missouri to be about the 5 day love fest I experienced.  I will still write about that life changing event but something more important needs to be written now.......

When I read about my dear cousin's PET scan findings, I needed time to process and think about what I would say to her if we were in person or through this entry.  I spent last night searching for the right words of comfort, encouragement and support.  I struggled....

Many of our Ohana were quick to write wonderful words of prayer, hope and love.  And still I brother, George, said what I was feeling..."I feel lost and don't know what to do".

Well after thinking about it all night here are my thoughts (some of which have already been said by others).....

Gina you are the most amazing, courageous and strong person I have ever met!!!!! I love that you said cancer does not own your sure as hell doesn't!!! Seeing you in the Frat house last week and the way you celebrated our time together was not only incredible but also one heck of a good time!!!

You are a survivor in every sense of the word.......the mental battle you face every day, your faith in God and your ability to smile, and hug and love makes you an inspiration to me and all who know you.

I have spent the last 4 years living with a victim of cancer.  It has taken a toll on relationships and lives.  Jenn and I watched you in awe last week and both said "too bad Bob didn't fight the mental battle with a quarter of the energy you use each day."

You know that all of your Ohana is there with you, wrapping their arms around you, praying with you and telling you they love you.  The miles that separate us are only that......miles.  But our hearts are together as one.  We are with you each second of every day ready to walk with you all the steps of your journey.

You have looked cancer in the eye and said "You don't control me!!!!"  You have a joy that you share with others and it is contagious.  Your smile makes others smile.  Your strength makes others strong. 

There are things that happen in everyday life that we complain about.....whether it be an ache or a pain, a car repair bill or a spouse who just doesn't get it.  We tend to get wrapped up in the me of life.  You on the other hand have not made this about you when you had every right to......not once have I heard you say why me??

I am so proud of are someone I look up are the kind of person I want to have taught us all.  That's pretty be a teacher.

I want to thank you for your amazing attitude.  You have my prayers, my love and my belief that you will win this battle. 

Yes, I have seen the face of courage and Gina the face of courage is you!!!!

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