Sunday, August 4, 2013

The Reunion.....Part 1.....Getting There.......

Many times I have seen people wearing reunion t-shirts.  I never really thought about the people behind the shirts.  I never thought about the miles traveled.  I never thought about the reunion experience at all......

Now after 5 memorable days at Osage Beach (Land of the Ozarks), Missouri......I get it.  I understand the planning, the expenses, the distances traveled and how worth it was going through every state and mile traveled to and from the Welch Ohana Reunion.

Travel and Arrivals.....

The planning stage started over 1 year ago....and our fearless leader was my cousin, Pat.  Pat found the location, found the main house, with help from his daughter designed the t-shirt, was the treasurer and all he and his wife April wanted in return.......for everyone to have a good time.

Jenn and I left on Monday at noon.......four hours behind schedule due to a banking issue that needed to be resolved.

Through the day we traveled from state to state. I even let Jenn drive for a couple of hours and for those of you who know me well I am a control freak so giving up the drivers seat was big thing for both of us  (Jenn thanks Uncle John  for giving me the gentle nudge to let J drive). We kept in touch with various family members.  Around 9 PM, I talked to cousin Pat.  He and his family had arrived at the reunion site late in the afternoon.  I told him Jenn and I would be stopping in Arkansas for the night.  First we hit Memphis and I have to say driving through there at night was a little wasn't a highway but we were driving through town.  Jenn could sense my nervousness.  She then made a suggestion that a few years ago I wouldn't have believed I would hear from her......"Mom, I am going to put my gun next to us on the seat."  I agreed it was a good idea.  Before we knew it we were in Arkansas......

Jenn called and called a variety of hotels that only had expensive rooms to offer.  We both agreed that since it was close to mid-night we would just keep driving and not bother to stop.  I have to say there were stretches where I thought....what the hell are we doing driving in the middle of the night to someplace we have never been.

At 4:30, Missouri time (5:30 SC time), we pulled into Peterson's Point and our destination.  There was no way I was waking anyone up at that hour so I told Jenn we would just sleep in the car until a decent hours and then ring the bell.  I tried to sleep.......about an hour later, Jenn said she had to go to the being just slightly tired at this point suggested she go behind the can only imagine the look I got from her.  Then I said....."I have the code for the garage."  The look on her face said it all as she said is a somewhat annoyed tone...."you have had the garage code and I have been sitting in this car for an hour?" I gave her the code and in she went.  My cousin Pat had been asleep on the couch.  Jenn's entrance work him up and the reunion began.

Over the next few days people arrived in groups or as individuals......each was greeted like Norm entering  CHEERS.  There were hello's and hugs and in some cases introductions. Cousin Michele who said she couldn't make it showed up .......some of her siblings didn't even know she was making the trip until their caravan gathered in Colorado.  The largest cheer was for my older brother, George.....he was also not expected to be there.  He rode 1400 miles on his motorcycle to spend a little more than 48 hours with his Ohana. 

During the next 5 days there was not one waking hour when I wasn't hugged or kissed or told I love you.  It wasn't just me but every one of the 40 plus people that traveled from Florida, Maryland, South Carolina, Hawaii, Wisconsin, Texas, Oklahoma and Colorado share the true experience of love. 

The next, antics and Fireball (thanks to the 2nd generation)........


  1. Well I am ready for more more more of it.I love how you started this Donna and I can't wait to read part 2!! Oh and PJ is biting at the bit lol, love it keeping the suspense in it. love you cousin :)
