Sunday, August 18, 2013

The Reunion- Part III- Goodbye's

I have not been looking forward to writing this makes me sad.......

Mom's Last Trip........
For years, Mom had hoped for a Welch Family Reunion.  There were gatherings through the years but they weren't as big a group as we had at this one.  Unfortunately, not everyone made it this time but it was the largest gathering of the Welch Ohana in 25 years. As you know, we lost Mom on New Years Day 2012.   The plans for the reunion began a few months after her passing.  I knew I would be looking for Mom around every corner or would hear her laugh echoing through the kitchen.  My sister suggested I bring Mom to the reunion.  It was a great idea.  Jenn and I brought with us the wind chimes that contained some of Mom's ashes and my cousin Pat hung them on the deck outside the main house.  Several times I could hear the chimes in the breeze off the lake.  It was as if she was letting us know she was there.  I also saw people go up and touch the chimes and say hello to Mom.  It did not replace her physical presence there but made me feel good to know she was a part of the our time together. 

I also need to say something to my Auntie's and each touched my heart in a special way.  You took time to seek us out.  You took time to talk to us about our lives and to pray with us.  Your love, hugs and caring made Mom's absence less painful.  Each of you in your own way became our Mom and Dad.  I will be always be grateful for the gentle hand on the shoulder, the understanding look when we started to cry and kindness that you each offered us as a gift.  I can not come up with any words that would appropriately express my gratitude but need each of you "elders" (sorry Auntie Elsie for using that term LOL) to know you gave so much just by being there!!!!!

As I had said in my previous post, we were all aware out time together was running out.  Each day I would wake up and think well we still have X amount of days left.  On Saturday, our time together was dwindling down to a few short hours.  Marion and Blaine were the first to leave very early Saturday morning and it only reinforced that this would be our last day together.  I wanted time to freeze, to not leave the main house and to not let go of the people I had reconnected with or had met for the first time or hadn't seen in many, many years.  I know we all had to return to our own lives but in 5 short days the Welch Ohana had become so much a part of me.  I felt no judgements, I felt no expectations......I only felt love.  Why would anyone willingly walk away from that????  For some returning to our lives would be easy.....for others there were new adventures ahead of them.......for some it was time to go back and face the battles that life has thrown at was the day I dreaded the most.    The goodbyes were met with hugs, I love you's and we will see each other agains.  Aunt Marion said to me " We hate saying goodbye to you (meaning all of us East Coasters) because you are all so far away."  I felt the same wasn't like we could just drive a few hours to spend time together.......

When the night was over and everyone had gone to bed, I thought about those 5 days.  They had been so much more than I had hoped for......and at least I had gotten through the goodbye's....or so I thought....

Very early the next morning....the McFall contingent was moving out......we were all up as everyone had early departures planned.  So once again we had another round of goodbye's......

The McFall's left followed by my brother, George, next was Jenn and I, then Cheryl and Chris.  The only people left were Jessica and Adam to close down the house. 

One of the 5 best days of our lives was over.....

The empty house......I think part of us all is still there.....our laughter echos in the air,  the conversation in record decibels is still bouncing off the ceiling........our love for each other imprinted in its walls. 

The Journey's home......

For some the journey home was just a few hours......for some many hours.....for some it was hours in airports (Cheryl, Chris and Carrie).....for one... a solitary ride on a motorcycle for almost a day........I never thought I would see the Arch in St Louis and  that same day drive through the Smokey Mountains and into Asheville NC and on to Columbia, SC.......people traveled in rain, thunder ,daylight and dark and finally morning.....back to our lives......never to be the same again.......

The Pictures......

I am only using two of the pictures from the in particular has been mentioned my other family members as it really is the essence of what we all feel.....and the other I think shows the joy we all felt...

And to my cousing are my HERO for making this happen!!!!

I love you all my Ohana!!!!!

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