Monday, August 12, 2013

The Reunion - Part ll

Food, Antics and Fireball......that's where I left off.....

Food......oh this is easy.....great, great, great food.

Two out of three nights were started with beautiful blessings.  Both Aunt Dorothy and Uncle Paul said blessings that left most in tears.  We were fortunate to have Uncle Paul's recorded.....I wish we had recorded Aunt Dorothy's too......

Italian Night.......lots and lots and lots of pasta,  OK....maybe  too much PASTA. I just couldn't gauge the quantities for 40 plus people.  There was enough pasta to take care of many lunches, etc for the rest of the reunion.

Hawaiian Night......fried rice, spam musibi (sp.), teriyaki chicken, pineapple upside down cake.....and on and on.   Great food and much more reasonable quantities.  It was great to see a line of hungry Welch's waiting to chow down on super food.

Mexican night.......taco's, salsa, queso, guacamole.....everything your heart (and stomach) could ask for.......amazing food!!!!!!

If Starbucks was a food group this would be a hit for many in our family.....Starbucks runs were made daily.....

Now let's talk about antics......

There was boating, jet skiing, paddle boats, wake boarding and water skiing. 

There were duets sung by Donna and George.

We have a lovely rendition of "Jesus loves Me" by Makenzie.  In fact, she sang it with more feeling each time we applauded.....

And last but not least was the dancing sausage........if you didn't see it happen or the video..... you missed something that is difficult to describe.......I have never seen such creativity or insanity over a link of Italian sausage........someday when there is a family reunion years from now.......our descendants will wonder what kind of lunatics this group was.........but they will be able to tell we sure knew how to have fun!!!!

FIREBALL........I felt that word needed to be in cap's........

The 2nd's as they were called didn't bond the second they met BUT once the noise from the 1st's and the elders got to a decibel level the 2nd's couldn't take they retreated to the bottom level of the house.  There they partook in the drink FIREBALL.....and drink they did.......Paul's Supermarket became very popular with the younger set.  If Paul had nothing in his store but FIREBALL and Ruffles Loaded Baked Potato Chips.....he would have sold out in 5 days.  It is safe to say at least 2 bottles of Fireball were consumed a day.  Chris became best friends with the cashier named Candy....she shared her dance moves with him.....she said she was glad he came to visit.

Oh and the 2nd's also set up a basement speed trap.....if any of the elders or 1st's dared to go down those stairs.....they had to drink a shot (or a capful in Auntie Dorothy's case)......also if you didn't go down stairs to the speed trap it came to you....nothing like having a bunch of 2nd's bringing you a bottle and yelling drink.....

The good part was since all of the consumption took place straight from the bottle .....there was no rush to buy red solo cups at Paul's. 

I did hear that since we left Paul was stuck with cases of Fireball since he purchased not knowing all of his sales were to one crazy family.


Each of us in our own way kept reminding ourselves our time was running out.  The 5 precious days together were coming to and end.

The last entry will cover.....Mom's last trip, photo's and goodbyes.......

1 comment:

  1. That was great Donna!! loved it and I am almost afraid to read the next entry!!that was and still is the hardest part of it all!! to deal with. Looking at the pictures of all of us that last day still brings tears to my eyes when looking at them, but I have to say just from my own eyes the worst goodbye or see you later hug I have to say that just about did me in was Butch and George!! the two eldest of us all!! Very heart breaking for sure!!

    love you bunches!!
