Sunday, August 25, 2013

There Are Still 1st's To Be Accomplished......

I think I have been going at this all wrong.  I keep thinking of the things I can't do or will never do in my life.....

No mountain climbing (did I ever want to do it anyway?), no skydiving (hell I am afraid of heights), no size 6 in my future ( I was born bigger than a size 6).......

But I have started to realize there are still 1st's......mabye not of major magnitude but still new adventures.

A few weeks ago right after work on a Wednesday,  I drove to my friends house at the beach to spend a few days with them.  As I was making the 160 mile drive blasting my IPOD I realized I don't travel alone often.  I have gone on two business trips by myself in the last few years but usually when I go someplace I have someone  else with me.  Now a 2 1/2 hour ride is not momentus by most standards but it does represent a new phase in my life......doing things alone vs as part of a couple or a family trip. During my life, I would travel with family, then with a spouse and then as a Mom.......not just as Donna. 

The beginning of a new phase......

While at the beach I did something I have never done before........I drove a golf cart (laugh if you will but it was an adventure for me).  The only problem  was my knee wouldn't bend the way it had to in order to hit the break but I figured out a way to make it work and was able to drive around the island like everyone else (maybe it was not a pretty but I didn't quit).

I also drove a convertible.  My friend has a convertible that I drool over.  She asked me if I wanted to drive it when we ran to buy shrimp for dinner.  (Nothing like going to the local shrimp company and seeing the shrimpers docked right behind the shop). While Kathy went in to buy the shrimp, I got into the drivers seat.  Off we went back to the house.  It was so much fun!!!!!  Plus I loved being able to bypass the guard/security gate since the car had a resident pass in the window (see it's the little things I love).

I ate Frogmore Stew for the first was wonderful.....filled with sausage, shrimp, red potato's and corn.  It used to be eaten with newspapers spread out on the table putting the shrimp shells and corn cobs right on the newspaper when they were done.

Outdoor showers every day....... knowing my self image you can only imagine how nervous I was about this......but guess what..... it was wonderful.  Nothing like getting back from the beach and taking a shower outside......yes there is lattice work so you are not out in the open for all to see.  My daughter used the word liberating to describe it and she was right.  It was a little surprising to see a deer staring out me when I showered but it also was funny... I can only imagine what he thought.....LOL

I haven't been in the ocean in many years.  One morning, we went to the beach and decided to go in the water.  For the first time in a zillion years I didn't hesitate.  I went out about waist deep......I forgot about the waves.....I forgot how to maneuver in the waves.....basically that means I got knocked on my ass by the waves and each time I tried to get up another wave would go over me.  Now I am not talking tsunami size waves....but enough to keep me off balance and soaking wet.  Kathy couldn't do much more than laugh since I looked so ridiculous.  Anyway, the waves pushed me closer and closer to shore.  Then the panic kicked the hell do I stand up with my bad knee and get back to the stairs......did it ever enter my mind to go back into the deeper water where it would be easier to stand up?? I did a reverse crab walk up to the stairs.....thank God the beach was deserted.  It wasn't pretty and it took a bit of time but guess what I made it to the stairs and got up (with a little assistance.... thank goodness for the railing I used to hoist myself up). I then climbed the stairs and caught my breath.

Oh and stairs, I did tons of them.....the stairs at the beach access I liked the best (since there was a lovely bench to sit on and from there you could see the ocean, people watch and get a great ocean breeze)......the nice part about the stairs at that access was I could walk up them like everyone one step at a time.....I loved that......

A lot of 1st's.....traveling alone, driving a golf cart, driving a convertible, going in the ocean without thinking about it and figuring out how to get myself out of a jam instead of saying I can't....that feels so good.

Now I am trying to think more "I can"  if it is something I really want to do.....

One more thing.....with Labor Day quickly approaching it is time for me to get back into my routine......back to the gym (I have a 4 day week-end coming up and plan on hitting the gym 4 days in a row to jump start my exercise routine), more focus on eating the right things and working on the health and weight thing.  Maybe I can drop some pounds before the dreaded holidays roll in......

But the bottom line is I know there are more 1st's for me.......I am not sure what they are but if it is something I really want to do I won't say automatically say no out of fear........I want to continue to embrace every minute of my life as I continue to learn about me.....

Sunday, August 18, 2013

The Reunion- Part III- Goodbye's

I have not been looking forward to writing this makes me sad.......

Mom's Last Trip........
For years, Mom had hoped for a Welch Family Reunion.  There were gatherings through the years but they weren't as big a group as we had at this one.  Unfortunately, not everyone made it this time but it was the largest gathering of the Welch Ohana in 25 years. As you know, we lost Mom on New Years Day 2012.   The plans for the reunion began a few months after her passing.  I knew I would be looking for Mom around every corner or would hear her laugh echoing through the kitchen.  My sister suggested I bring Mom to the reunion.  It was a great idea.  Jenn and I brought with us the wind chimes that contained some of Mom's ashes and my cousin Pat hung them on the deck outside the main house.  Several times I could hear the chimes in the breeze off the lake.  It was as if she was letting us know she was there.  I also saw people go up and touch the chimes and say hello to Mom.  It did not replace her physical presence there but made me feel good to know she was a part of the our time together. 

I also need to say something to my Auntie's and each touched my heart in a special way.  You took time to seek us out.  You took time to talk to us about our lives and to pray with us.  Your love, hugs and caring made Mom's absence less painful.  Each of you in your own way became our Mom and Dad.  I will be always be grateful for the gentle hand on the shoulder, the understanding look when we started to cry and kindness that you each offered us as a gift.  I can not come up with any words that would appropriately express my gratitude but need each of you "elders" (sorry Auntie Elsie for using that term LOL) to know you gave so much just by being there!!!!!

As I had said in my previous post, we were all aware out time together was running out.  Each day I would wake up and think well we still have X amount of days left.  On Saturday, our time together was dwindling down to a few short hours.  Marion and Blaine were the first to leave very early Saturday morning and it only reinforced that this would be our last day together.  I wanted time to freeze, to not leave the main house and to not let go of the people I had reconnected with or had met for the first time or hadn't seen in many, many years.  I know we all had to return to our own lives but in 5 short days the Welch Ohana had become so much a part of me.  I felt no judgements, I felt no expectations......I only felt love.  Why would anyone willingly walk away from that????  For some returning to our lives would be easy.....for others there were new adventures ahead of them.......for some it was time to go back and face the battles that life has thrown at was the day I dreaded the most.    The goodbyes were met with hugs, I love you's and we will see each other agains.  Aunt Marion said to me " We hate saying goodbye to you (meaning all of us East Coasters) because you are all so far away."  I felt the same wasn't like we could just drive a few hours to spend time together.......

When the night was over and everyone had gone to bed, I thought about those 5 days.  They had been so much more than I had hoped for......and at least I had gotten through the goodbye's....or so I thought....

Very early the next morning....the McFall contingent was moving out......we were all up as everyone had early departures planned.  So once again we had another round of goodbye's......

The McFall's left followed by my brother, George, next was Jenn and I, then Cheryl and Chris.  The only people left were Jessica and Adam to close down the house. 

One of the 5 best days of our lives was over.....

The empty house......I think part of us all is still there.....our laughter echos in the air,  the conversation in record decibels is still bouncing off the ceiling........our love for each other imprinted in its walls. 

The Journey's home......

For some the journey home was just a few hours......for some many hours.....for some it was hours in airports (Cheryl, Chris and Carrie).....for one... a solitary ride on a motorcycle for almost a day........I never thought I would see the Arch in St Louis and  that same day drive through the Smokey Mountains and into Asheville NC and on to Columbia, SC.......people traveled in rain, thunder ,daylight and dark and finally morning.....back to our lives......never to be the same again.......

The Pictures......

I am only using two of the pictures from the in particular has been mentioned my other family members as it really is the essence of what we all feel.....and the other I think shows the joy we all felt...

And to my cousing are my HERO for making this happen!!!!

I love you all my Ohana!!!!!

Monday, August 12, 2013

The Reunion - Part ll

Food, Antics and Fireball......that's where I left off.....

Food......oh this is easy.....great, great, great food.

Two out of three nights were started with beautiful blessings.  Both Aunt Dorothy and Uncle Paul said blessings that left most in tears.  We were fortunate to have Uncle Paul's recorded.....I wish we had recorded Aunt Dorothy's too......

Italian Night.......lots and lots and lots of pasta,  OK....maybe  too much PASTA. I just couldn't gauge the quantities for 40 plus people.  There was enough pasta to take care of many lunches, etc for the rest of the reunion.

Hawaiian Night......fried rice, spam musibi (sp.), teriyaki chicken, pineapple upside down cake.....and on and on.   Great food and much more reasonable quantities.  It was great to see a line of hungry Welch's waiting to chow down on super food.

Mexican night.......taco's, salsa, queso, guacamole.....everything your heart (and stomach) could ask for.......amazing food!!!!!!

If Starbucks was a food group this would be a hit for many in our family.....Starbucks runs were made daily.....

Now let's talk about antics......

There was boating, jet skiing, paddle boats, wake boarding and water skiing. 

There were duets sung by Donna and George.

We have a lovely rendition of "Jesus loves Me" by Makenzie.  In fact, she sang it with more feeling each time we applauded.....

And last but not least was the dancing sausage........if you didn't see it happen or the video..... you missed something that is difficult to describe.......I have never seen such creativity or insanity over a link of Italian sausage........someday when there is a family reunion years from now.......our descendants will wonder what kind of lunatics this group was.........but they will be able to tell we sure knew how to have fun!!!!

FIREBALL........I felt that word needed to be in cap's........

The 2nd's as they were called didn't bond the second they met BUT once the noise from the 1st's and the elders got to a decibel level the 2nd's couldn't take they retreated to the bottom level of the house.  There they partook in the drink FIREBALL.....and drink they did.......Paul's Supermarket became very popular with the younger set.  If Paul had nothing in his store but FIREBALL and Ruffles Loaded Baked Potato Chips.....he would have sold out in 5 days.  It is safe to say at least 2 bottles of Fireball were consumed a day.  Chris became best friends with the cashier named Candy....she shared her dance moves with him.....she said she was glad he came to visit.

Oh and the 2nd's also set up a basement speed trap.....if any of the elders or 1st's dared to go down those stairs.....they had to drink a shot (or a capful in Auntie Dorothy's case)......also if you didn't go down stairs to the speed trap it came to you....nothing like having a bunch of 2nd's bringing you a bottle and yelling drink.....

The good part was since all of the consumption took place straight from the bottle .....there was no rush to buy red solo cups at Paul's. 

I did hear that since we left Paul was stuck with cases of Fireball since he purchased not knowing all of his sales were to one crazy family.


Each of us in our own way kept reminding ourselves our time was running out.  The 5 precious days together were coming to and end.

The last entry will cover.....Mom's last trip, photo's and goodbyes.......

Sunday, August 4, 2013

The Reunion.....Part 1.....Getting There.......

Many times I have seen people wearing reunion t-shirts.  I never really thought about the people behind the shirts.  I never thought about the miles traveled.  I never thought about the reunion experience at all......

Now after 5 memorable days at Osage Beach (Land of the Ozarks), Missouri......I get it.  I understand the planning, the expenses, the distances traveled and how worth it was going through every state and mile traveled to and from the Welch Ohana Reunion.

Travel and Arrivals.....

The planning stage started over 1 year ago....and our fearless leader was my cousin, Pat.  Pat found the location, found the main house, with help from his daughter designed the t-shirt, was the treasurer and all he and his wife April wanted in return.......for everyone to have a good time.

Jenn and I left on Monday at noon.......four hours behind schedule due to a banking issue that needed to be resolved.

Through the day we traveled from state to state. I even let Jenn drive for a couple of hours and for those of you who know me well I am a control freak so giving up the drivers seat was big thing for both of us  (Jenn thanks Uncle John  for giving me the gentle nudge to let J drive). We kept in touch with various family members.  Around 9 PM, I talked to cousin Pat.  He and his family had arrived at the reunion site late in the afternoon.  I told him Jenn and I would be stopping in Arkansas for the night.  First we hit Memphis and I have to say driving through there at night was a little wasn't a highway but we were driving through town.  Jenn could sense my nervousness.  She then made a suggestion that a few years ago I wouldn't have believed I would hear from her......"Mom, I am going to put my gun next to us on the seat."  I agreed it was a good idea.  Before we knew it we were in Arkansas......

Jenn called and called a variety of hotels that only had expensive rooms to offer.  We both agreed that since it was close to mid-night we would just keep driving and not bother to stop.  I have to say there were stretches where I thought....what the hell are we doing driving in the middle of the night to someplace we have never been.

At 4:30, Missouri time (5:30 SC time), we pulled into Peterson's Point and our destination.  There was no way I was waking anyone up at that hour so I told Jenn we would just sleep in the car until a decent hours and then ring the bell.  I tried to sleep.......about an hour later, Jenn said she had to go to the being just slightly tired at this point suggested she go behind the can only imagine the look I got from her.  Then I said....."I have the code for the garage."  The look on her face said it all as she said is a somewhat annoyed tone...."you have had the garage code and I have been sitting in this car for an hour?" I gave her the code and in she went.  My cousin Pat had been asleep on the couch.  Jenn's entrance work him up and the reunion began.

Over the next few days people arrived in groups or as individuals......each was greeted like Norm entering  CHEERS.  There were hello's and hugs and in some cases introductions. Cousin Michele who said she couldn't make it showed up .......some of her siblings didn't even know she was making the trip until their caravan gathered in Colorado.  The largest cheer was for my older brother, George.....he was also not expected to be there.  He rode 1400 miles on his motorcycle to spend a little more than 48 hours with his Ohana. 

During the next 5 days there was not one waking hour when I wasn't hugged or kissed or told I love you.  It wasn't just me but every one of the 40 plus people that traveled from Florida, Maryland, South Carolina, Hawaii, Wisconsin, Texas, Oklahoma and Colorado share the true experience of love. 

The next, antics and Fireball (thanks to the 2nd generation)........