Sunday, October 27, 2013

Things That Made It A Good Week......

As I look back on the past 7 days I found that there were a lot of good things about the they are in no particular order.......

1.  USC wins a nail biter last night......still flying high from that one.
2.  I talked to ALL my siblings this week.  And these were not just quick "hey what's going on" conversations.
3.  The NY Giants finally won a game!!!!
4.  It finally felt like the fall in SC.  It was 34 degrees yesterday morning!!!!
5.  I saw new pictures of all my grandnieces this week.....great photo's of Victoria, Ellie and Zoey!!!!!
6.  My mums in front of the house have bloomed beautifully.
7.  The Red Sox lost last night in a very weird finish.
8.  I passed up a piece of carrot cake and some brownies that had a peanut butter cup inside and a chocolate chip cookie on the bottom.
9.  I helped Jenn ice cupcakes for the University 101 class she is teaching.  I could hear my Mom saying"swirl the icing Donna."  so I swirled the icing.
10.  I had a nice chat with the lady who makes the sushi at Publix.  I asked her if she ever made it with sushi cones.  I think she called it Inarri.  I explained that was how my grandmother made them.  She said I can order sushi like that if I want!!
11.  I took 4 count 'em 4 mini-naps yesterday.
12. One of my oldest friends called last night.  Linda and I have been friends for more than 40 years.....yikes!! We haven't seen each other in 15 years but we still keep in touch.  I love talking to her because we spend about 10 minutes catching up and then another hour just shooting the breeze.  I promised Linda this year I will visit her!!!!
13.  I laughed at some funny TV shows.......The Middle, Modern Family and reruns of Will and Grace.
14. For once I stayed awake each night all the way through my prayers ....and yes you were included in them!!
15.  One of my cousins put a family picture on FB this week where it was very clear that my Mom had cut my hair..  At the time I think they called it a "pixie" haircut.......I call it "what were you thinking Mom??"
17. I treated myself to some is cooking now and will be part of my lunch this week!!
18.  I have played Burger Shop until my fingers get numb each night....LOL.
19. Weight Watchers has a new peanut butter brownie I tried this week.. It was delicious!!!
20.  While I was writing this blog entry......the NY Giants won for the 2nd time!!!

Nice week.....lots of good things......they each cost little or no money......I feel the movie Pollyanna her preacher said to her "we looked for the good in people and found it".....I am trying to look for the good things no matter how small they may be......and guess what.....this week I found a lot of them!!!!

Sunday, October 20, 2013

The Challenge of this Blog......

Last week I had writers block.........

I couldn't think of anything worth you spending a few minutes reading.  It's funny some weeks I get a lot of hits for my posts and other weeks a lot less.  I am not sure what makes someone want to read what I have written or look at it and say "Nah.... not this week",

When I first started to write this blog 3 years ago, it was only going to be about me trying to get healthy, going to the gym and what I was doing to put me first. All of those things are still important to me.  BUT what I have found is that this blog has evolved into my dream job.......I would love to write a weekly column in a newspaper only I am too late for longer do you see a columns like Erma Bombeck's talking about everyday life. 

I have started to work on what I hope will turn into a novel.  IT IS FICTION!! If you see a first name you recognize or a place you have visited it doesn't mean I am writing about you.  I am also still seeking a venue for my shorter creations such as magazines, online newspapers and such.

During the week if I come up with something I think will be good for my blog, I put a note on my IPhone so I don't forget.  Sometimes I save a topic for a later date.....until I am ready to share it with you.  It is weird I am willing to share the funny things I get myself into but struggle with the painful entries.  I am willing to make an ass out of myself and let you join in the laughter but when I write an entry and I end up crying......I am not looking for your pity.  I am just trying to keep it as real as I can since I promised myself I would be as honest as I dared.  Up to now I think I have been pretty true to that plan.

I have written about my exploits at the gym, my struggle to lose weight, my lack of grace (OK the fact that I am clumsy)......I have shared about loss of loved ones and the ending of relationships.......there have been weeks when I went on about memories and reunions. 

I have stepped much further out of my comfort zone than I ever intended when I wrote my first post.  By sharing with you I have grown, I have challenged myself and I have save a zillion hours on a therapist couch........

Just one more thing........

Tomorrow is my sister's birthday.......
when we were young we were very different......and I guess the same can be said about us as adults.  Cheryl wants to save the world......she is the champion for the poor, the homeless and there has never been a animal she didn't love.  I on the other hand am more cautious.  I will help one person at a time while she will try to save a whole family.  I have owned one dog at time and would never think of having two. She will give you the shirt off her back while I will give you a shirt I didn't really want (OK how shallow am I).  She has been a second Mom to Jenn and their mutual admiration society is sometimes they say it is all about them!!!! Cheryl will talk about how much she loved her freshman year in high school because I was a senior and she knew all my friends.  I didn't think it was a big deal but then she told me how much she hated going back to school her sophomore year and my group had moved on.  We make each other crazy at times as sisters often do but we also have those moments when we share with each other something going on in our lives and we each try to find the right words to say.  We have had fist fights growing up and probably screamed at each other a zillion times over who's turn it was to do the dishes. But yet for some reason one of my favorite memories with her was when I was about 8 months pregnant and she came and spent the afternoon with  me in my apartment.  It wasn't a major event....just two sisters having lunch in a one bedroom apartment.  We ate ham, provolone, peppers and eggplant sandwiches. Funny, I am not sure why that afternoon stands out in my mind.  Maybe because she was a Mom and I was going to be one........maybe because we had finally found the things we had in common and not what we had that was different.....but somehow that afternoon changed things for me as far as our made us close.

Happy Birthday Cheryl!!!!! Love your "older" "big" sister!!!!

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Purple Glitter Polish and a Mini-Crock Pot

I find it is very easy to get sad.  As the changes in my life slowly happen I sometimes find it a battle to not go to the dark side and feel sorry for myself.

Sleeping in the recliner wasn't so bad in the bedroom.  But the weeks when I do not have the bedroom I don't sleep as well in the living room recliner.  I am not sure if it is because of the openness of the room or the chair is just not as comfortable.  The couch is not an option is really uncomfortable.  So I wake up cranky and sometimes tired from waking up during the night.  I find myself counting the days until I am back in the bedroom again.  When I arrive at work I am not very talkative least for a while.  I just log on to the computer and gradually work out of my mood.  Maybe I need to stop for coffee every morning......nope not in the budget.

The budget is tight but I can make it work.  I have thought maybe I need to give up some things or readjust my priorities.  Giving up my pedi......ok this is totally selfish but at this point in my life I should be able to get a pedicure once a month and not feel guilty......right???? Give up the gym??? Another no. 

I usually take my lunch to work as a way to save money.  One thing I know is that I need to eat something that takes a while to eat.  A sandwich is gone too quickly as are many other lunchtime options.  Last Christmas, I bought myself a small crock pot.  It is portable and not made for cooking but is intended to heat things up.  Now,  I have soup at lunch and it is GREAT!! I also have a Weight Watcher salad carrier.  It keeps the salad cold.  I use romaine, mushrooms and some low fat cheese and it is yummy. There is also a separate compartment for the salad dressing so the salad doesn't get soggy.

Back to the pedi.....for the last 4 or 5 years I have always and I mean always gotten my toes done in either red or pink.  The polish must have glitter in it too!!! Well in my quest to change things up.....this most I had them done in purple glitter for Halloween,  next month in a orangy gold for Thanksgiving.......December I am thinking gold.  Small changes but for someone like me who doesn't change things up often....this is pretty big!!!!

Put up with me if I don't seem upbeat.......I usually work my way out of it.........ask my team....... sometime between 10 and 11 in the morning I am  more social than when I first walk into the office .  I may reach out to you on the phone......just let me talk........

I am moving along just slowly.......the next few months.....the holidays.....may be more challenging than before.....but then again we haven't spent the holidays together in a few years anyway so it may not be too bad. 

Why can't I live in one of those towns from those Hallmark Christmas movies I love????

OK I need an upbeat ending......lunches are so much better now!!! And my toes.....judge for yourself.....LOL.....see the pictures below.....

October toes.....

November color.......

I know....I know ....I need to get a life.....or move along to my new life......well at least this is a start.......