Saturday, May 24, 2014

How Am I Financing My 12+ Adventures????

When my father died, he told us kids there would be no money left for us.  Mom would be taken care of but there would be no inheritance for us.  And he wasn't kidding.....

But there was one funny thing we all knew.....Dad had a habit of hiding money around the house.  There was the stash in the bottom of the grandfather clock and in the fake ceiling in the den and various other spots.  After Dad was gone nothing left the house without being fully inspected......just in case.......

When Mom left us there was a small amount of money divided between the 4 kids.  Each one of us was given a check.  I need to stress this was not a huge some of money but might help with a bill or two.  I brought my check home and put it in the bank.  I decided I would not use it for anything practical.  I wanted to use it on something special, something memorable.  It has been in my bank account for 2 years.  Waiting to be used.  I thought about buying a special piece of jewelry.  I thought about using it for a trip.  And yes occasionally......I thought about using it for something painting the inside of the house.  I fought all those temptations.......and now I know why.......

Mom's final monetary gift to me is going to be used to pay for what it can of my 12 things to do list.

I used the first money $30 last week to pay for my writing class as the SC Book Festival.   The class was about writing short stories.  I learned a lot and it was great to sit in a room of writers.  A lady sat next to me and said "are you a writer too?"  Without missing a beat I said  "yes I am".  Our first assignment was to write a short 6 words.  It was an interesting challenge.  Then she asked someone to share hand shot up in the air.  Most of you know I do not like to draw attention to myself so this was way out of character for me.  But I felt so comfortable in the room of writers.....not out of my comfort zone at all.
Later that week-end, I attended a class about self-publishing and another on writing a novel a thought at a time.  I enjoyed them all!!! Next year, I will definitely attend more sessions.  My goal is to one day be the person sitting on the dais leading a discussion about the writing process and how I became an author.

Well, I have finally found the purpose for the money.......Mom is helping me with Chapter 3 of my life.  The money may not cover all of the items on my list but it will definitely cover quite a few......the 3rd hole in my ears......the tattoo (yes Amy I am still getting the tattoo).......renting the car of my dreams for a weekend......and maybe just maybe enough money to self publish a book through Amazon.  The book is going to be about the 12+ things I am doing for the first time.......I started writing it tonight.  Oh and I used Dragon Speak to begin the book.......for those of you who don't know what that is......I can talk into a microphone and my words come out on a Microsoft word doc.  How cool is that!!!

I have felt Mom more with me so much more since I made the decision on how to use the money.  So there will be nothing practical.......except maybe an outfit for my book tour...LOL.  Hey I have to dream big don't I???

Mom's final gift to me was about  dreams, changing my life, new adventures and Chapter 3............

THANK YOU always did know what was best for your children........I know you will be there each step of the way as I continue to grow and explore....not afraid to try new things anymore........OK except skydiving and a few other things.....

See you all next week.......

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