Monday, May 5, 2014

So What Have I Done About My 12 Things List? Item #1 check!!

OK I have started on my 12 new things to do list.....I am now thinking that it might turn out to be more than 12 new things.

I am even thinking of writing a book about all of my new adventures!!!

My mind keeps coming up with more and more ideas of things to do......

First item....... sign up for a Master Class (that's what they call it) at the SC Book Fair.  Check!!

I am going to a session on writing short stories a week from Friday.  I had to pay for that one.  Saturday and Sunday I am going to a session each day.  One is about getting published and the other about writing a novel a thought at a time.

This book fair is very exciting for a few reasons:

1.  I am going ALONE!!!! You know that is something I normally don't do.
2.  I will be with a lot of other people who love to write,
3.  This is just about me and my passion to write.
4.  I am sure I will learn somethings that will help me in my dream of  being published.

What's next.......well let's just say one had to do with writing an email to a state Senator and another had to do with writing to a TV host.  If they respond I will be sure to let you know......if they don't oh well at least I tried.....what do I have to lose???

I have some other friends who have started talking about their list of things they would like to do and that excites me too!!!!

This turning into more of an adventure than I anticipated and at the end of the 18 months I will have some great memories .......and a tattoo to show for it!!!!

Stay never know what might be next on my list!!!!

See you next week......

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