Sunday, January 4, 2015

New Year, New Reslutions, New Underwear.......

Well, 2014 ended with some positives.....weight loss, enjoyable holidays, Bob well enough to travel to NY to visit his family and a lot of focus on Chapter 3.  I wrote a lot in the two books I am working fiction and one non-fiction. I have stuck with my Rosetta Stone lessons and am actually starting to understand Italian.  My list of firsts I am trying to do has been going well too!!

The New Year started quietly.  Just watching the ball drop in New York on TV.  I didn't mind starting the year in this manner......I actually enjoyed it.

My resolutions may come off as selfish and maybe they are......most of them are about your truly....

1, Continue to focus on weight loss is first on my list.  I have been more successful the last 3 1/2 months of 2014 then I have been in years!!

2.  Setting aside a specific time for writing each week.  If I want to try and get published then I need to get serious and dedicated to weekly writing.

3.  Continue to try new things as often as possible.  The more I do means I will have more material for my book "The :List" (that is the working title).

4.  Try new meal ideas.

5.  Continue to work on my independence......table for one......going to events as a single......getting used to a world with it  just being me.

6.  Continued focus on Chapter 3.....Chapter 3.....Chapter 3.

7.  And this should have been first on this list......more time with family and friends, more laughter, more time having fun, also knowing that my job is important but it is not my life.  I love my job but need to know when to stop for the day and that it my problem that I have a hard time letting go and need to realize somethings can be done tomorrow......

Well, I think that is sufficient list of resolutions....don't you agree??

As my weight loss progresses I can feel it in my clothes.  I have some tops in smaller sizes so I am able to get by and loose tops are not  too bad to wear.  My pants are getting looser too and that can be a problem.  I am not going to buy new slacks yet.  I will get a few new pairs when I lose another maybe 30 pounds or so.  But underwear......I had to break down and buy some new a smaller size......OK they still might be confused with a small parachute but they are smaller folks!!!!!!! Although my ass doesn't appear any smaller you know what I saw today when I looked down at the ground????? Ready..... my toes......yes my toes......which means my stomach is not longer blocking my view of my feet......OK the boobs still take up part of the view but I could see my pretty painted toes. So since my stomach is going down in size there is less to hold those undies in place.  No, I am not shopping at Victoria Secret for the unmentionables....I order them online but a smaller size is a smaller size.  And did you know undies can come in colors other than black and beige??? Yes they come in navy and pink and prints...LOL....and yes I have all of those now.

One last thing.......I really love my Sunday Weight Watcher meeting......I love that I do not know anyone in the class but have formed friendships.  Today, I went early because historically the first meeting for the new year is usually very crowded.  I walked in the door 15 minutes early and was greeted by a group of members yelling Happy New Year which made me laugh. During the meeting I admitted to being a "cheese addict" and announced to the group I had to buy new underwear due to my weight loss which made everyone laugh.  Then I hear a person at the meeting talking about doing a triathlon and another about races she has done.  I said I can't wait for the day I can do a 5K.  The lady who does triathlons said to me....."When you are ready I will do it with you!!".....I started to cry......not tears of sadness....they were tears of happiness....someone believed in me and was willing to reach out to me.  Toward the end of the class I raised my hand and gave a synopsis of the meeting from the time I walked in.....everyone laughed and agreed it was what makes the Sunday group special.  My leader said she had seen me get teary and was glad to know why and that it was for a good reason.  As I was leaving the meeting I heard others talking about the class doing a 5K together....I am getting scared but do believe one day I will be ready to take those 2015???? I am not sure.....but you never know.......

Happy New Year and see you next week......

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