Sunday, April 19, 2015

Dancing Alone.......

I used to love to dance.  I could dance for hours and hours.  My best friend, Linda, and I would go out on the weekend to different bars until they closed.  Her Dad (and my 2nd Dad) would laugh at us as we were leaving for the evening.  He would say "look at the 2 of each have a pack of cigarettes and $2.00 in quarters for admission to the bar."  We told him that the $2 got us 2 drink chips.  He asked "what do you do after that?  Shake your glasses and hope someone will buy you a drink??" Yes, that is exactly what we did and usually didn't have any trouble getting additional drinks.  But it was the dancing we loved.  Fast or slow it didn't matter.  We always had plenty of people to dance with and wouldn't stop until the music did. (oh and as far as the cigarettes....yes, yes I used to smoke......quit 25 plus years ago).

I haven't danced in a long time.  My knees and hips hurt from the excess weight and previous acts of clumsiness.  I would hear the music and in my head I could picture my body moving to the music.  When a disco song comes on my IPOD or Pandora, Jenn would ask do you remember dancing to that??? Yes, I sure do and ...yes I lived through Disco so yes that shows how old I am......

I was working at home last Friday and had my music playing.  I got up to get a cup of coffee and all of a sudden realized I was dancing to the music in my kitchen....alone.....LOL.  It took me a minute to realize what I was doing.  Moving to the music.....OK not as well as I once did but still I was moving to the beat of the music.  No Disco Ball hanging in the air or me in a dress and heels or anything remotely like that...but it is one of those things I have started to do again thanks to the weight loss and just feeling more like me than I have in years.  Oh no I won't be dancing for hours on end but now might take an occasional turn on the floor at a special occasion.  But as I moved around the my head was the me of 30 plus years ago...the girl who would dance for hours.......she is still in my head and my heart somewhere........

Did I feel silly dancing alone?  Nope.  I am sure if anyone had walked in on me I would have been embarrassed or they would have thought ......has she lost her mind???? But no I haven't lost my mind and Ebeneezer Scrooge said in a Christmas Carol, "I haven't take leave of my senses I have come to them..."

My increased mobility has given me freedom I haven't had in a long time.  No, I will not be taking long walks or God forbid jogging but next Friday I will be doing my 5K in the pool at the gym while my WW pals will run/walk a 5K Saturday morning.  I will be at the finish line waiting for them for a group photo!!

My WW leader asked this morning why we were members of WW....the weight loss it the obvious answer along with getting healthier but there were answers I could so relate to.....not having to ask for a seat belt extender on a plane, not worrying about fitting into a ride at an amusement park.....most of you do not have to think about those things do you????  My answer was so I look fabulous on my book tour when I finally get something published and I get to wear that sleeveless black dress I dream about.....

Lastly, I signed up for the writers classes I will be attending in May at the SC Book Festival.  I am so looking forward to a weekend with fellow writers, sharing ideas and the love of writing.  One of the sessions I am attending you are asked to bring one page of a book you are writing that will be shared with authors, other writers and publishers.  I am really looking forward to the opportunity of sharing the first page of one of the books I am working on.......

Each day I see more and more of the "old" Donna showing up in ways I never expect.......I can only guess what will happens next as I continue my journey to better health, a longer life and new adventures..... I hope you will all continue to join me and cheer me on .....your support and encouragement is critical to my success.....

See you next week......

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