Sunday, April 5, 2015

Something Different- Getting Rid of Clothes That Are Too Big.....

I have gotten rid of clothes before.....either because they were worn out or too small.  If I found something that fit and felt comfortable, I would wear it to death.  And as I grew in size I would pitch the clothes that no longer fit. You would think seeing clothes get too tight would have been my wake-up call.......but nnnnnnooo.....think I was in denial......YES!!!

My pants are getting loose but I am trying to make them work for at least another 24 pounds.  Then I will have to break down and get a few new pairs in a smaller size.  The tops though have become a real pain in the ass.  They are getting loose so I either have to pin the shoulder parts to my bra or tuck the part around the neck around my bra strap to keep them in place. It is so annoying that I wore a top the other day and came home washed it and put it in the Goodwill bag I have going. My bathing suits are getting looser around the top too. T shirts that used to fit right now hang loosely as do my night shirts.

I am not complaining mind you......I am happy things are getting loose but the frugal side of me is trying to hold off as long as possible to make purchases. I tried on a few things from my closet today and Jenn was the judge.  She vetoed several items so off they went to the Goodwill pile too.

I haven't worn a pair of zip up pants in a zillion years.  I am still not quite there but am sure in the next 24-49 pounds I will be able to.....hey even when I was a normal size I had an ass and thighs that didn't quit.  So if I lose like my former proportional history I will still be in a larger size in the bottom than the top.

Some of the things I am looking forward to wearing......jeans....yes good straight leg jeans, a basic black dress (sleeveless), a long flowy skirt or dress.....anything that is not PLUS size......or anything without an X in the size.......

Even though I have a long, long way to go at least for now it is another 1st for away clothes that are too big......I never thought this day would come......and yet here it is.......

I have also increased some of my activity too....this week I did 3 1/2 hours jogging in the hips are sure feeling it  but I can take this discomfort since it is helping to move me towards a healthier one ever said it was going to be easy did they?????

It's Easter chocolate bunnies jelly I write this I am drinking water and eating grapes while the zillion pounds of brussels sprouts I just made cool on the stove.

Do I feel deprived?? Nope!!! I am choosing not to have those things today.....not never again but for today.  Weight Watchers is not a is a live it.....and that is what I am doing....making choices that are good for me in the long run.  I cannot say I will never eat this or that again......that would be a lie......but choosing is a whole lot different......and I am choosing me.......

Happy Easter and see you next week.......

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