Sunday, March 29, 2015

The Fabulous 50's And Beyond.......

I had trouble sleeping last night.  All I could think about was I going to make it to the big 5-0 finally?? When I was getting ready for my WW meeting it was all I could think about.  On the ride to the meeting I kept thinking "please let me hit 50 down"  then all of a sudden I thought "what if I am up at the scale??"  I hadn't thought of that during the week.  So then I started praying.......yes, praying.....that I wasn't up at the scale.  Then I started to rationalize....."OK what if it am not up on the scale. Is that OK?"  Then I thought "but OMG I want to hit the 50 pounds so bad and I have been hitting some losses but not enough to push me over the top".  And so it went all the way to my meeting......

I walked in and took off my jeans (don't worry I had my weigh in shorts on underneath them).  I got on the scale and the lady who weighs us in said "Down 1.6."  I admit it I screamed "that's over 50!!!!!"  My leader came over and hugged me and I told her I was not getting off the scale for the next week!!! I got hugs from my WW Sunday morning buddies too.  It was like some kind of hard to describe.

Now in 5 pound increments I can look toward my next goal 75 pounds.  But first I have to hit 55, then 60 and on and on.......

I also jogged for 1 1/2 hours in the pool yesterday and another hour today.  Jenn and I did some lawn mowing......yes, Jenn did the majority but I did about 15 minutes worth which is more than I could have done a year ago.  If it wasn't for the fumes from the mower I could probably have gone longer but my asthma starts to kick in so I know when to quit. The mobility part is really changing which is great.  I still hate walking for exercise but as one of my WW buddies said this morning "you have to find the activity (aka exercise in WW lingo) that you love and you will stick with it".  Mine is jogging in the pool.  I love it and get in a zone and shut everything and everyone else out.  I try not to sing out loud with my waterproof IPOD but there are times people look at me strangely which tells me I am singing out loud.

I also looked at my shopping cart last night.  Boy has it changed......loaded with veggies, fruit, protein, yogurt and so many healthier options. I came home prepared all the veggies, shrimp and WW muffins for the week. I have found that is the key....being prepared and tracking everything I put in my mouth.

Jenn, my own WW monitor has dropped 16 pounds too while helping me.  She looks amazing.  I on the other hand am a work in progress.  I heard a story once and it most likely is a story but something I can relate to......Michelangelo was carving something out of a piece of marble. A person asked how he had created such a beautiful work of sculpting.....he supposedly said "it was there all the time..  I just removed the excess marble".  Well, that is what I am doing.....removing the excess me and the part that is left was there all along just hidden........

Jenn keeps telling me she is going to make me walk around the supermarket carrying 50 pounds of something.  I told her I couldn't carry that much weight.  She looked at me as if to say that is what you have been doing all this time........

At least for today I am content with what the scale told me (and no I did not eat anything to celebrate).  But tomorrow, I begin again to focus on my next goal.

If anyone had told me this time last year or even last summer I would achieved this much I wouldn't have believed it. But here I am.....full steam ahead and on we go......

Oh just one more thing.....there is a lot of bad and good to be said about Facebook.....but today I had over 100 likes and almost 50 comments on my status about hitting the 50 pounds loss on my personal page and on the private WW page of which I am a member I had almost 250 likes.....all I can say is WOW!!!!

Thank you for your support and positive feedback on FB and about this means more to me than I can ever say.......big HUGS to all of you!!!!

See you next week......

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