Sunday, March 1, 2015

Hanging In There......

Last week I didn't write an entry.......I was in a foul mood and was kind enough to think why should everyone have to suffer along with me?  I don't mind inviting you on my journey but there is no reason to rain on every one's parade.

What got me in such a lousy state of mind?? .8 pounds.....yes  a little more than 3 sticks of butter sent me into a tailspin.  I GAINED .8 pounds!!! That's right I let 8 tenths of a pound do that to me.  That is crazy!!! I don't want the scale to cause me to get that upset.  Anyone  really successful at Weight Watchers has had weeks with gains.  There is no such thing as loss after loss week after week.  And there are those ugly plateau's too.  It is all part of getting healthier.

Of course, the rational side of me decided starvation was the best route to take.  Followed by getting mad at everyone I knew.  Aren't some of you glad you weren't around me last week????

By Sunday night, I was apologizing to those I was abrupt's not their fault and you know what's not my fault either.  I played by the rules and tracked all my foods but my body decided it wasn't in the mood to drop weight.  I am sure all of my fat cells got together and had a meeting....they decided go screw with me and make sure I knew who was in charge.

Well guess what fat cells......there is a new Sheriff in town and I am taking you as prisoners.  I am in this for the long overnight fixes....a daily battle between me and my fat.  The fat cells climb into my brain and try to convince me that it's OK to eat a donut or chips or mashed potato's and gravy and all the other things I crave.  They have even teamed up with the Girl Scout cookies in my pantry that I have not opened.  The fat cells have convinced the Girl Scout cookies to call my name around 9:00PM each day.

What the fat cells don't know is I can have a donut or chips or mashed potato's or even those GS just needs to be in moderation and a correct portion size.  A portion means 2 cookies not a whole sleeve.  Did you know 13 chips is a serving size?  One donut is 6 WW points.  Oh the mashed potato's ......probably couldn't justify too much of those.

I regrouped and got myself together and continued the battle.  I killed 4.6 pounds of fat cells this week!! Grand total 48.8 pounds of miserable fat is gone!! So close to close.

So I may have had a pity party for one and I am not saying it won't happen again but I have to remind myself there are worse things in the world that a slight gain.  People are dealing with illnesses and health issues that might not be an easy fix and job issues and relationship issues.  And then I have the nerve to go off the deep end over a small gain?  Why wasn't I as concerned on the way up the weight ladder as I am going down??

To those who have health issues they are fighting.....or job issues they are struggling with.......or those  with relationship issues.....know that I am thinking of you and sending you good thoughts and vibes.......

One of the ladies in my WW class shared this quote last week......"I already know what it feels like to give up.  I want to see what happens if I don't".  I love that quote!! Well I guess I am starting to see what it is like to not give is hard but it can be done!!

See you next week.......

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