Sunday, March 8, 2015

And Now I Have A Collar Bone.....

The discovery of my collar bone this week was very exciting!!!

I even can feel the hint of a rib ......of course I have to be laying down to feel it......but it is there along with according to rumor several other ribs.

So I have a neck....smaller ankles......ring almost falling off my fingers....a watch band that will no longer stay in place.....shirts that are becoming loose and the shoulders of those shirts are now falling off my shoulders.  Getting my bathing suit over my ass is not quite as much a struggle......oh and the girls are not taking up as much space as stomach is getting flatter.....or less distended I guess.......and I can now clearly see my C-section scar which runs from just below my belly button to about you know where......guess's stomach looks like two pieces of pizza dough with a line down the attractive is that???? But due to the weight loss it is more pronounced.......not that anyone but me.... oh and my Dr. would see it and for my Dr's. benefit he would only have to see it once a year .......not a pretty neck (as you remember I just discovered recently) has some loose skin......I hope I do not end up with a turkey neck.......

Who the hell am I to complain???? I am losing weight which for my health is the best choice I could make.

And I still have an incredibly long way to go.......and I didn't hit 50 this week-end.  Maybe next week or the week after......but you will notice I am NOT giving up.

I am giving a 1 minute speech at a meeting in 2 weeks about a time when I blew it or struggled and how I got through the rough time.  How do I share over 50 years of failures into 1 minute......and try to keep it light and humorous????? Our meeting leader asked for 2 or 3 volunteers and I kind of put my hand up like you would at an auction if you were not totally sure you wanted to make the  bid.....LOL.....but my leader saw it and pointed to me and acknowledged my hand raised at half-mast...LOL.

I am so fighting to hit 75 pounds gone by July and below my drivers license weight by the fall......realistic goals but many days I can't think about those numbers......they are too overwhelming!!!!

By the time I hit 75 pounds gone ....I will need to buy some new slacks.....there will really be no option......I am not even sure what size I will fit into then??? I am sure it will be smaller and then hopefully as I continue along I will need to replace those clothes with another set of smaller ones.

I saw my WW lifetime goal on my weigh in card today.......I really don't think I can reach that number......I haven't weighed that little since 1973.......LOL.......I guess it is sad that I lost so much time ignoring my weight and now that I am looking to the end of my 50's I finally decide to get healthy??? What a jackass not taking the time before......

Well as I continue to discover body parts, I will be more than happy to share those  discoveries with you..... I have heard there are people that have hip bones.......I wonder if I have those too.....well we will just have to wait and see.....

Still fighting the good fight........see you next week.......

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