Sunday, March 15, 2015

My Head Is Spinning In A Million Directions

Sometimes it's more about the NSV's......Non-Scale Victories in Weight Watcher Lingo.....

I went to a business lunch this week and when I walk in I faced the dreaded folding chairs.  I used to worry about whether or not it would collapse underneath me but this time I didn't worry about much.....LOL.  I did pass up the lunch part though because it was mostly southern barbecue and I just couldn't think of a way to figure out what the points value was for the mac and cheese or pulled pork so it was easier for me to sit there and be social and then eat the lunch I had brought to work when I got back to my desk.

I went to the eye Dr this week.  OK here I go with sharing more than I should.  For years I have gone for my eye exams and not been able to sit back in the chair comfortably.  Why?? My big butt.....I would sit back as far as I could but it was never comfortable and I could never put my feet on the place where I was supposed to rest my feet.....I couldn't put my feet there because I was sitting to far forward.  This week.....I planted my ass in the back of the chair (yes there was more room and less ass) and my feet rested right on the little ledge of the chair where they were supposed to.....a small victory.

The next day I went for my mammo........I was able to stand the whole time it took to complete and in between pictures I held onto the machine and did leg lifts and swings.  The girls were flat like pancakes (why of why isn't there a real equivalent of this fun event for men????).  I think they have gone down a little in size too.......

I went to my meeting this morning and was down some but did not hit the big 5-0......there are 3 of us that are all close to hitting 50 pounds down.  It would be amazing if we all hit it next week. I am giving it my best effort to get there.....I wouldn't mind a few prayers too that might help push me over the top.......

The ladies in my class are signing up for a 3 and/or 5 mile walk/run.  I want so bad to do it but as many of you know I have some knees are asthma does make it difficult.......graceful is NOT my middle name and I am just plain old scared of failure......the ladies have offered me so many options such as walking together.......doing a pre-walk me a pass for this year as long as I am ready to do it next year.......I am praying about it as far as what to do.......I guess even thinking about doing it is a step in the right direction.  And do you know why I want to do it??? To say that I can and to get a medal at the end of it.....LOL.....I have never gotten a medal or a ribbon for anything athletic in my life.......something to think about.......

I dared to look at myself sideways in a mirror today and guess ass was not going out nine miles behind me (no pun intended)......oh it is still there but there really is less of it.  I am also way more mobile then I was before.  I am up and in the kitchen all the time or going to my bedroom to get things I need......this may not sound important but I used to ask Jenn to get things for me instead of getting them myself.  Now you find me standing at the sink washing dishes......helping to carry in the groceries........not dreading the walk to the ladies room at work.  I still have a long, long way to go but even I can now start to see a difference.......

I just finished getting my veggies ready for the week.  I cut up the tomato's and cukes for salad. I have a bag of celery cut up and ready to snack on.  I just took brussels sprouts, cabbage and a dish with asparagus, zucchini, mushrooms and onions out of the oven.  They are all packed away and ready to go at a moments notice......

See what I mean about my mind going in a million directions??? Enough rambling for now........see you next week.....

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