Sunday, April 12, 2015

Where the heck does the weekend go?

It seems like Friday night to Sunday night goes by in a split second.

Yesterday, we traveled up to NC for my great niece's birthday party. It was a beautiful day to be out of the house.  Why it was decided to have I95 go down to one lane is one of those mysteries of life that will never be answered.  Jenn found out from her Uncle Mike about an app called Waze.  She was able to get traffic reports and see comments from other people on the same road as us.  The move from 3 lanes to 1 lane delayed our arrival by over an hour.  The party was at lovely farm and the kids had a great time.

I knew there was  going to be a catering truck at the party.  So I planned ahead.  I brought with me foods I can eat but I have to tell you turning down the hot dogs, hamburgers, french fries and chicken nuggets was really, really hard. I ate tomato's and yogurt.  I drank water.  All in all not too bad and I did pass on the birthday cake.  I had to remind myself the real reason to be there was to see people who were at the party.  I hadn't seen my sister in several months so we had a chance to catch up.  That in itself was a treat!!

I went to my WW meeting this morning and was down again which made my decision about passing up the goodies yesterday a good decision.  We talked about how we see ourselves and I said no matter how much weight I lose I will always see myself as the fat girl....too much time and damage to my psyche I guess. You just can't change almost 50 years of seeing yourself as the heavy one.........

I also pulled a pair of jeans from the bottom of one of my drawers to try on.  They had never fit right and I thought "what the heck" guessed it....they fit and in fact were a little loose!!

Although the week had some down points like a $974 car bill...ugh.....and then having some lunatic cut me off this morning causing me to hit a curb with my brand new tires and alignment!!! Fortunately, there doesn't appear to be any real damage.  Work was slightly insane this week and although the week flew by the end of Friday afternoon I was done.

Also,  Jenn and I spent time outside.  Mowed the front lawn, trimming the bushes, attacked some fire ants, raked up the dead grass, sprayed for wasps, sprayed the cracks in the driveway for weeds and removed grass growing close to the house and shed.  It took a few hours but looked good when we were done.  Oh and I need to add I HATE GARDENING!!!!! But it was good activity for burning some calories.

Then to make my Sunday even more fun......I finally finished my income taxes....why didn't I just wait until the the procrastinator.

But through the ups and downs......I didn't cry .....much.......OK so stoic is not my middle name!!! It is what it is.....and I am who I am......

And now it is Sunday night.......another work week ahead......on the up side I only have to continue working for another 7 years or so ..........84 months......2555 days.......61320 hours......3,679,200 minutes........and can I  make it.....sure I can ........piece of cake........or piece of .......lettuce I guess.....

And on I go.........counting the 5 days.....40 hours of work .....well maybe 50 hours of work........3,000 minutes until it is Friday again........

See you next week........

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