Sunday, March 13, 2016

Don't Get Lazy......

I am fortunate.....I get to work from home a good deal of the time.

 But I do have my own rules......
1.  The bed must be made.
2. I shower, wash my hair and brush my teeth each morning before I start to work.
3.  Hair is fixed as if I was going out.
4. No putting the pj's back on or staying in pj's all day!!
5.  Get dressed......yes in casual clothes.  Bra is a must!!
6.  No TV on but music is OK.

The plus side is......
1.  Unlimited coffee at my disposal
2.  Short commute to and from work.
3.  Use less gas which helps my monthly budget.
4.  Can sleep until 6:15-6:30.
5. If I start work early or work late it doesn't feel so bad since I am sitting at my table.

But here is where the laziness can kick in......
1. I don't put on make-up when I work from home.
2. Now I have started trying to sneak or go out on the weekends without being made up.

Trust me I need the makeup!!!

I have decided that I need to take some time to as my Mom used to say "fix my face".  I look better and feel better with it on.  Today, although I wasn't going too many places I put the effort in and yes I did feel more put together.

It is easy to get lazy about things......
one day it's not putting on thing it's no bra.....and Lord knows what kind of craziness would follow that.......

I am not impulsive and flexible is not my middle name........I know the earth would not stop spinning if I spent my workday in my pj's but I just find I need to have definition between just being home and working from home.  I have my office phone forwarded to my cell, I can be reached by IM or email and it really is as if I was in the office with my door closed.  There are less distractions and I am very productive....but I don't want to feel sloppy or lazy.

So every day........or maybe every other day......or Fridays and the weekend.......oh hell we'll see......I will take a few extra minutes to if nothing else make myself feel better when I sit down to work.........

No casual Fridays here at the home office......

See you next week.......

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