Sunday, March 6, 2016

OK I Lied.......

I will get to the lie part in just a little bit.....

1st a little background.....

Besides being very overweight, over 31 years ago I had a C-section.  At the time they were doing the incisions across your stomach if they could.  Since Jenn was going into distress it became an emergency C-section.  The incision was made up and down because this was a quicker way to deliver her.  I didn't think much about the incision at the time.  In fact, I hadn't really thought about it a lot over the years. Especially since I was so heavy I noticed the incision but it was just there......

Now move ahead 30 plus years.  I am down a lot (and I mean a lot) from my all time high.  Now my skin is starting to sag.  My arms look like they have wings.  I am getting turkey neck.  And my stomach is sagging .....a lot......

Like with every part of your don't lose weight equally.  The boobs are different arm has more saggy skin than the other and the stomach.........I have lost more fat on one side of my incision than the other.  This means my incision is now crooked and also due to the saggy skin.....looks really ugly.

But to be honest, no one ever sees it except me and my Dr. for my once a year check up ( and I mean no one.....the thought of someone else looking at it is enough to make me cringe).  A friend asked me if I would ever consider surgery to remove the excess answer was a resounding NO. I would not consider surgery to remove the excess skin even when I reach my goal......

Now for the part about my lie......a few weeks ago I said I would not share with you if I bought......SPANX......well too bad......I changed my mind.  Yes, I bought a pair of SPANX yesterday. (I am not sure why they are called pair if it is just one?).  Anyway, I saw them on the rack and figured "what do I have to lose?"  They fit and I didn't feel as saggy.....

Up until now every time I laughed I could hear the line from "The Night Before Christmas"....about when Santa laughed his belly shook like a bowl full of jelly.  That was how I felt......

Well, the SPANX seem to do the job and keep things a little more in place.

So a less droopy stomach and thanks to under wires the girls aren't near my waist anymore either .......there is really nothing I can do about the arms except cover them with long sleeve tops.....not a practical option in South Carolina for  most of the year.

I am thinking I may need to buy a new bathing suit or two with more support in the tummy and boob area too.......up until now I just wanted the bathing suit to fit and didn't care how it looked.

OK so at 60 I am dealing with things to improve my crazy is that????

In order to not have to admit to lying anymore I am not going to promise NOT to write about something in my blog.......except what I weighed......or weigh now.....or how much weight I will have lost when I hit goal........a girl does have to keep some things private right??

It's just through this blog my list of things to keep to myself is getting smaller and smaller......which is fine as long as I continue to get smaller too (well I don't think I would say I am getting smaller.......healthier yes.......more mobile yes.......not as big yes)......would that be getting smaller????

Oh I don't long as it extends my life that's all that matters.

Two more things.....

One- I was down at the scale today which makes me happy......not so much about the number but the fact that my choices and tracking are paying off.

Two- If I run into you please do NOT look at my stomach or ass....first of all you might not be able to tell if I am SPANXing it or not and if you didn't notice a difference I might feel bad.....LOL.

See you next week............

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